A few days ago i was driving back from Maine with my grandmother. we were talking, having a good time. i notice that we are passing a startlingly large number of people so i look over,
"grandma, do you realize we are going 120mph?"
"yeah, it's fun, but if i''m scaring you we can slow down.."
"no it's cool, just a little weird because you are my grandmother, you're supposed to be knitting things."
"the car is red with shiny chrome, it's out of my hands. I never liked knitting."
My grandmother is awesome.
In other news that will surprise no one, I'm going on a trip soon. This is my basic itinerary. You should all come with me for different parts, or tell your friends to let me sleep on their floors
- A week in Maine for the strawberry season. i need to play on some whitewater with Alana, and convince Adrianne to go on a short trip with me. Maybe Montreal or Quebec City.
- Head down to Baton Rouge, see Dawn on the way
- Convince Paul and Pippin to join me there. Paul is headed to Mexico so i can bring Pippin to the west coast with me.
- Go to Michigan to see Abe and Caro.
- I think i promised to go to Mexico City with Danger, Virginia with Armen, on some sort of extended road trip with grandma and her bubble trailer, and somewhere i can't remember with Laura. I'll fit those in somewhere too.
So thats the deal, come play!