
Dec 01, 2030 20:00

Apps are welcome at any time, and will be processed every weekend. Players may app one character at a time to a maximum of three characters overall (one per fandom maximum), and must be seventeen or older to join the game.

Please read the rules thoroughly before applying.
And now, the application template!

Player Info:

Age: Remember, you must be seventeen or older to join. If you're hesitant to post your actual age, feel free to note yourself as "17+"...if you actually are, of course.
Contact Info (IM/Email): AIM is preferred for ease of access, but all methods of communication are viable.
Personal LJ: Optional.
Where'd you hear about our community? Optional, but preferred!


IC Info:

Fandom: Please write "original" here if the character is of your own creation.
Canon Point: What time in canon your character is taken from, even if they've been in other RPs since then. For example, Shirley might be from "R2, Turn 12 - after Milly's graduation" or "R1, after Lelouch geasses her." This is primarily to assist other players (potentially of related characters!) in knowing when you've taken your character from.
World Information/Source: If you are applying for an OC, please provide a description of the world they originated from. If you are applying for a fandom character, please provide a link to a wiki entry of some other source of outside information.
Previous RPs (if applicable): If you feel your character has undergone significant development in other RPs they were in, you are allowed to carry over that as part of their history. Please list any applicable RPs here.

Age: If none is given, mention so and give an estimate.
Sex/Gender: In the event that the two differ, please list your characters biological sex first, followed by their mental gender.
Type/Species: Human, Goddess, Demon, Etc. If demonic or non-human, do not worry about choosing a clan at this point - upon acceptance, the mods will discuss it with you via the contact method you gave.
Appearance: A short paragraph or two of any particularly distinguishing traits should suffice. Linking pictures is also helpful!

Personality: This should be one of the most detailed parts of your application, since this is one of the places to demonstrate an actual grasp on your character. A few short sentences will not cut it here.

Abilities/Weaknesses: Both supernatural and otherwise. If your character can shoot beams of light from their hands, list that here - and if they have a problem with thinking their actions through, list that here too.

History: Summarize your character's canon history here, followed their history in any other RPs you may be drawing off of. This should be specifically about your character's history and how it affects them, not just a summary of the events in canon.

Other: Any information that you don't feel fits into any of the above categories should go here.


Journal Sample: A first person sample, either as a text/journal entry, a voice recording, or a video. In essence, it should be something that could be posted on the network - or even private to themselves.
Log Sample: 3rd person sample; minimum of 200 words. No specific situation is required; this sample is just to demonstrate both your grasp on the character and your style of roleplaying.


Please answer IC. Complex answers are encouraged!
Your parent/parental figure/hero has been possessed by a horrible demon. Helpless and wracked with a haze of pain and madness, they beg you to end their life. Will you strike them down?

You have been given an important mission. On your way to complete this mission, you see someone being arrested for a crime they did not commit. If you stop to help them, you will, beyond the shadow of a doubt, be left with too little time to complete your mission. Will you stop and help them regardless?

You and a group of your comrades happen upon a group of similar size along a road. Each side eyes the other suspiciously, and neither side is willing to give way. Will you strike before they can?

Applications should be sent to with the following subject line: [ FANDOM ] - CHARACTER NAME. Feel free to send the application proper either in the body of the e-mail or as an attached document.

Below is a text version of the app above, for easy copying and pasting!

Player Info:

Age: Remember, you must be seventeen or older to join. If you're hesitant to post your actual age, feel free to note yourself as "17+"...if you actually are, of course.
Contact Info (IM/Email): AIM is preferred for ease of access, but all methods of communication are viable.
Personal LJ: Optional.
Where'd you hear about our community? Optional, but preferred!


IC Info:

Fandom: Please write "original" here if the character is of your own creation.
Canon Point: What time in canon your character is taken from, even if they've been in other RPs since then. For example, Shirley might be from "R2, Turn 12 - after Milly's graduation" or "R1, after Lelouch geasses her." This is primarily to assist other players (potentially of related characters!) in knowing when you've taken your character from.
World Information/Source: If you are applying for an OC, please provide a description of the world they originated from. If you are applying for a fandom character, please provide a link to a wiki entry of some other source of outside information.
Previous RPs (if applicable): If you feel your character has undergone significant development in other RPs they were in, you are allowed to carry over that as part of their history. Please list any applicable RPs here.

Age: If none is given, mention so and give an estimate.
Sex/Gender: In the event that the two differ, please list your characters biological sex first, followed by their mental gender.
Type/Species: Human, Goddess, Demon, Etc. If demonic or non-human, do not worry about choosing a clan at this point - upon acceptance, the mods will discuss it with you via the contact method you gave.
Appearance: A short paragraph or two of any particularly distinguishing traits should suffice. Linking pictures is also helpful!

Personality: This should be one of the most detailed parts of your application, since this is one of the places to demonstrate an actual grasp on your character. A few short sentences will not cut it here.

Abilities/Weaknesses: Both supernatural and otherwise. If your character can shoot beams of light from their hands, list that here - and if they have a problem with thinking their actions through, list that here too.

History: Summarize your character's canon history here, followed their history in any other RPs you may be drawing off of. This should be specifically about your character's history and how it affects them, not just a summary of the events in canon.

Other: Any information that you don't feel fits into any of the above categories should go here.


Journal Sample: A first person sample, either as a text/journal entry, a voice recording, or a video. In essence, it should be something that could be posted on the network - or even private to themselves.
Log Sample: 3rd person sample; minimum of 200 words. No specific situation is required; this sample is just to demonstrate both your grasp on the character and your style of roleplaying.

Please answer IC. Complex answers are encouraged!
Your parent/parental figure/hero has been possessed by a horrible demon. Helpless and wracked with a haze of pain and madness, they beg you to end their life. Will you strike them down?

You have been given an important mission. On your way to complete this mission, you see someone being arrested for a crime they did not commit. If you stop to help them, you will, beyond the shadow of a doubt, be left with too little time to complete your mission. Will you stop and help them regardless?

You and a group of your comrades happen upon a group of similar size along a road. Each side eyes the other suspiciously, and neither side is willing to give way. Will you strike before they can?
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