
Aug 04, 2004 18:39

<-----------sooo sick of seeing boys with ridiculously long hair

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Comments 9

queendork August 4 2004, 23:42:31 UTC
fucking agreed. if it's past the chin, it's just not happening.


vikingmetal August 5 2004, 02:24:34 UTC
im sick of seeing boys with camo pants and black hoodies, but you dont see me complaining.


vikingmetal August 5 2004, 03:11:35 UTC
wait, that was kind of complaining right there. so. um, that comment is void.


indiestarfire August 5 2004, 04:14:40 UTC
i love complaining. im never cutting my hair. and if i do ill get a stylish little black military-style cap. and work out shorts. and a bane shirt. and ill stretch my ears back out.


thesedevilsweep August 5 2004, 07:49:16 UTC
both your hair and davids hair is ok...
you two are growing your hair out for the sake of being metal.
not because it's the "scene" thing to do.
i'm sorry i didn't clarify.


turningback August 5 2004, 06:17:40 UTC
I'm sick of seeing ... I dunno I'm drunk, but I'm sure it's something.


all_wires August 5 2004, 14:14:26 UTC
oh beave...i think i love you!


cry_alittle August 5 2004, 17:11:57 UTC
hey im a girl with short hair
and and you love me right?


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