Dec 15, 2006 00:06
Once again, livejournal has gone through little neat changes. Kudos to them. Today I had to work. Meh, that was pure stupidity. I swear to you, for the paychecks I'm receiving every two weeks, the work just really isn't worth it. It's ridiculous! Not to mention, those little nymphos had the audacity to split my tips or something like that because I hadn't picked it up within a couple days that it was out. Screwed up, no? I think so. I didn't even know they were allowed to do that.
On better notes, I'm looking for jobs elsewhere. Bennigans and Starbuck's (The Barnes & Nobles Café branch) to name a couple.
I can't have band practice tomorrow with Tragic Story or whateva the hell we are going by now (The Last Source?) cos I've got to go to the dentist at 2PM. Of course, I find this out from my mum earlier today, how convenient. Tomorrow should be a great day though none-the-less. Gonna catch a movie and well, not like you need to know the rest.
I had to go to my grandpa's place this mornign when I really didn't plan to cos the stupid door handle inside my car on the driver's side was broken. So, as those of you who may know, I not only have an odd way to open the door from the outside now (since it's broken), I now have an odd way of opening it from the inside. It's a makeshift door handle.. well, pully. *sigh* Thank God I know I can trade that car in, obviously I'd have to pay the difference, but once I get more of my life in order and on track, I'll be looking around.
Now I wish that person would send me my damn phone already.
Now I wish more than that, and above all, that I was heading to bed with someone waiting for me.