[multichapter] baby blue: part 5: chapter 18

Jan 24, 2016 04:58

Title: Baby Blue: Part 5: Chapter 18
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1157
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and only the words are mine.
Summary: They knew that moving forward would be hard, but with each hurdle the happiness they deserve seems further and further away.

October 7th 2015

Taguchi found Ueda by the bow of the yacht, leaning against the railing and staring up at the night sky. For a moment he just stood in silence, gazing at his husband, but then the heard the laughter and merriment floating from the other end of the small boat and remembered his purpose.

“You know, when the party is as small as it is, the absence of one of the grooms doesn’t go unnoticed.” He said lightly, coming to stand behind Ueda, his hands coming to rest on the other man’s waist.

“Un.” Ueda agreed, turning enough to look at Taguchi’s face. “I just needed a few minutes quiet.”

The party was hardly a loud one but Taguchi understood and he nodded as he pulled Ueda closer. “It’s just for a few more hours and then we can go back to the hotel and be alone.”

Ueda smiled but he shook his head. “I’m not some horny teenager…I just meant that the quiet is nice, refreshing.”

“I didn’t mean that…” Taguchi started in protest.

“I know.” Ueda interrupted but then he shook his head and turned back to the bow, looking up once again at the stars. “It is kind of true though…tonight is special. This, here, right now, this is special…when we get back to the hotel it won’t feel the same. I know that it will be our first night together as a married couple but…it won’t be the same. I kind of wish we could have stayed out here tonight, just the two of us.”

Taguchi hadn’t even thought of that but now that Ueda had mentioned it, everything inside felt kind of jumbled. “Are we talking about more kinky boat sex?”

Ueda pushed back at him with his butt, nudging him. “Freak. I just meant n a romantic way.”

Taguchi raised his hands to Ueda’s shoulders spinning him around. “Well now you’ve got me thinking about it in a sexy way too…”

“Idiot.” Ueda laughed. “We’ll be back at the hotel soon enough.”

“It’s like you said though…it won’t be the same.” Taguchi answered, his hands sweeping from Ueda’s shoulders, down his arms to his wrists and then coming to rest on his hips.

Ueda shook his head softly but it wasn’t a denial, it was just amusement. “You’re crazy. We’re on a boat with our family and friends…”

“And we just got married.” Taguchi reminded him. “We got married under the sunset, three years to the date of the night we first made love, really knowing it was love…out here in open water beneath the sunset”

“Could we get away with it though?” Ueda answered, and the amusement was gone, replaced with a kind of longing desire.

Taguchi’s brain was running through their options, ways to hide it, ways to get rid of their family and friends just for a while. He couldn’t think of anything but something deep in his chest drew him closer anyway, his eyes locked on Ueda’s until their lips met in a desperate kiss.

Ueda moaned softly and his hands moved to Taguchi’s back, his fingers tightening in the fabric of his suit jacket, his nails raking against the smooth wool blend, scrabbling for purchase. Taguchi used his height advantage to tilt Ueda’s head back, deepening the kiss and making Ueda’s soft moans turn harsh as he pressed against him with his hips, holding him back against the railing of the boat.

His hands were still on Ueda’s waist but one moved up to his face, stroking across his cheek as the other moved to his belt buckle, but he barely had it open when a voice behind them startled them both.

“You know.” Kame started smugly as he sauntered towards them, three glasses of champagne in his hands. “As a sailor you really should know that sound travels downwind. The next time the track changes your guests will hear everything.”

“Kame…” Ueda started, nudging Taguchi a few steps back as he tried to regain his composure. “Yeah, thanks.”

“I didn’t even think about that.” Taguchi answered, straightening the front of his suit and turning to Kame. “Thanks.”

“I know how you feel.” Kame said but then a small smile played across his lips. “I mean I don’t, because I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone the way you love each other, but I hope that one day I do. For now I’ll have to settle for I think I understand. But you have a handful of guests back there and even I can’t keep proud, excited parents at bay for long.” He hands two of the glasses of champagne over to them. “Come join the party.”

Taguchi nodded lightly. “Yeah, we should.”

Both he and Ueda followed, and just as Kame had suggested, their parents were still eager to monopolise their time, trying to make plans for the future, talking about visits and holidays and houses. Even Ueda’s mother seemed happier and Tguchi couldn’t be sure if it was a change of heart or the champagne talking, but Ueda’s face lit up and Taguchi couldn’t tear him away from that a minute sooner than he had to.

There had to be an end to the frivolity though, and eventually Taguchi returned to the dashboard to return the boat to shore. Their parents and Johnny-san they insisted on returning to their hotels, but Taguchi and Ueda remained behind to clean up the boat. Kame offered to return the keys while Koki and Nakamaru stayed to help dismantle the balloons and the ribbon arch and to clear away the leftover food and drinks.

When they were done, Koki and Nakamaru helped pile everything into the taxi and Kame arrived back just in time to catch a ride back with them.

“You guys get back and get some rest, you’ll need to be up early for your flight tomorrow.” Taguchi insisted. “We can call a taxi for ourselves…”

Kame nodded and hugged each of them in thanks. “Or you could just spend the night here…”

“What?” Ueda asked, but Kame’s face just split into a grin along with Koki and Nakamaru’s.

“Spend the night here.” Kame repeated and he held out the keys that he’d taken to return to the harbour master. “She’s yours for the rest of the night, and you have clearance from the coastguard to sail. The weather should be warm enough but there’ll be blankets in the storage compartments if you get cold…or if you need them for other reasons.”

“Kame…” Taguchi said in astonishment, because it was exactly what they’d wanted, needed even.

“It took a little haggling.” Kame said sheepishly. “But that’s your wedding gift from us. Enjoy your wedding night and the rest of your honeymoon too. We’ll see you in a week.”

After a quick hug from each of their members, Taguchi and Ueda were left alone with the keys to the boat and a marriage to consummate.

I'm really sorry that this chapter took so long to post. I actually had most of it written, but then there was that fateful announcement. I've ranted to a few people about how Taguchi's announcement has made me feel so I'm not going to do it here. The thing of it is that for a while I found it difficult to even think about finishing this since how do I write Taguchi and Ueda all happy and married when Taguchi has just announced that he's leaving? But I really want to finish Baby Blue, or rather I refuse to let go of it, so I'll be trying to push aside my feelings and continue to write them the way I invisioned them all along (just as I did with Koki). I hope you guys that are still with me won't be put off by Taguchi's announcement either. Now more than ever we need to make the most we can of JunDa!

group: kat-tun, rating: g, member: taguchi junnosuke, pairing: junda, member: ueda tatsuya, length: multichapter

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