Title: Baby Blue: Part 1: Chapter 11
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1604
Disclaimer: I don't own anybody
Summary: It was only ever meant to be about sex...their relationship is just convenient, as long as it doesn't affect their friendship or their work there's no problem with it, right? But just how long can they carry on that way?
Chapter 11 )
Comments 5
and Ueda knows that it's happening to him... that emotional attraction he's feeling for/to Junno *-* They really are starting to move like a new couple or the initial discovery phase; the first time at the other's apartment, the nervousness when alone, overly concerned about what never used to matter... the anticipation of spending time alone *smiles* the JunDa Rabu is growing ;-)
I love ninja Kame ~ he misses nothing ehehe
For sharing, arigatou ne!
Hehe...Uepi certainly noticed something, ne? Now he just needs to figure out exactly what it is! >_
that was the uncomfortable moment between them ne? :P
and now... gosh can't wait to read next chapter!
thanks for sharing <33
When I started writing this I planned to write it kind of split equally between Ueda's thoughts and Junno's, but somehow I keep finding it much easier to write about Ueda's! Hopefully there will still be the odd chapter that gets us inside Junno's head though!
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