[multichapter] baby blue: part 5: chapter 14

Sep 27, 2015 11:08

Title: Baby Blue: Part 5: Chapter 14
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: G
Word Count: 1182
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and only the words are mine.
Summary: They knew that moving forward would be hard, but with each hurdle the happiness they deserve seems further and further away.

May 19th 2015

“It can’t be good.” Taguchi mused as Ueda drove them to Jimusho office. He was the one so concerned with staying positive the whole time they were waiting for the verdict, but now that they had it, now that Johnny himself had called them back in so suddenly.

“You don’t think they could have mis-counted?” Ueda answered back warily.

Taguchi shook his head, of that much he was sure. “They couldn’t have mis-counted badly enough to sway it eighty something percent.”

“Then do you think…” Ueda lowered his voice and cast a furtive glance at Taguchi that Taguchi would maybe have found funny if not for the feeling of impending doom. “Do you think maybe Johnny rigged it? And somebody found out?”

“No…surely not.” Of that Taguchi wasn’t quite as sure, but he didn’t think, not for more than a few seconds at least, that it could be the case, Johnny wouldn’t rig it, why would he.

“Boys.” Johnny greeted them warmly, and that alone would have made Taguchi’s chest feel a little lighter if not for the words that followed. “First off I have a little bad news for the two of you. Ueda-kun, your regular morning TV spot has been cancelled, unfortunately the show decided to go with someone a little less scrutinised for the time being. And Taguchi-kun, I’m afraid it’s your radio show, the company have requested that Kame take your place as co-host along with Nakamaru-kun.”

Taguchi nodded solemnly, he’s been doing that show for years, but Ueda beside him let out something close to a snort. “Is that it?” When Johnny looked as perplexed as Taguchi, Ueda launched into a re-enactment of their conversation on the way over.

Taguchi managed to dive in just in time to keep Ueda from spilling their doubts about the company, but only just. “Thank you for inviting us in to inform us…”

“There’s more actually.” Johnny continued, reeling off a list of minor jobs that had been cancelled or rescheduled in light of the current situation, before finishing. “There is some good news to go along with the bad, but unfortunately your band-mates seem to be running late.”

The half hour it took for the rest of KAT-TUN to arrive wasn’t nearly as bad as the drive over, but it didn’t stop Taguchi from mulling over the jobs he’d lost. It wasn’t as bad as it could have been, not nearly as bad as it could have been just twenty four hours earlier, but it still made Taguchi sad. “I’ve been doing that radio show for years…” Taguchi mumbled but Ueda easily put a smile back onto his face.

“It’s not too bad a trade though right? A radio show compared to spending the rest of our lives together?” Taguchi shook his head as his smile widened and he cast a quick glance around before shuffling closer to Ueda on the waiting room sofa. He was interrupted half way through leaning in to kiss Ueda though, by Kame’s voice.

“We can’t leave you alone for five minutes.” He tutted, but he looked pleased for them. “We’re all here now…”

“I’m sorry for calling you all here so suddenly.” Johnny started once they were all seated around his desk. It felt to Taguchi like a lifetime since they’d sat right here, together like this, to ask Johnny’s permission to go public. He wanted to reach out and take Ueda’s hand, to hold it tightly, but he resisted in order to remain professional. “I’m sure you’ll all be delighted to hear that your summer tour will go ahead as planned.”

“For the same dates?” Kame asked.

“For the most part, some venues have been re-ordered due to the dates no longer being available, and there are a few we haven’t yet contacted, but it will still take place this summer so meetings will begin on Monday with the aim to have everything underway by the following week. The timing will be tight but with the current buzz surrounding the group we feel it will be best to pursue this now.” Johnny explained. “Furthermore, and I would like to stress that this will not affect the group in any way, we will be introducing a Taguchi and Ueda subunit.”

“Like a duet?” Maru asked, as surprised as the rest of them, “like Tegomass?”

“Exactly.” Johnny confirmed. “Your name is currently undecided but I currently have your managers rounding up possible debut singles. The first single will be released before the start of the tour and it will be performed for the duration of the tour…as for how long the unit itself will run for, that will depend almost entirely on sales.”

Taguchi looked over at Ueda in disbelief. “Baby…” he started, until Ueda’s cheeks lit up at the nickname and he looked away grinning. The others were smiling too.

“I guess I was wrong.” Koki said, punching Taguchi in the arm, but he was wearing a huge grin. “Maybe JunDa will be pretty popular after all.”

“JunDa?” Johnny asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Their name squish…” Koki explained. “I decided on that years ago so if it’s going to be a name squish thing then you can’t do like ‘TaguDa’ or ‘UeGuchi’…It’s already JunDa”

Johnny gave a light shrug of his shoulders “I’m open to suggestions…”

“Really?” Ueda asked, and there was something almost shy about his voice. “Any suggestions? Even suggestions for our debut single?”

“Is there something you had in mind? You do write your own songs, am I right?” Johnny asked in return, leaning a little closer over his desk.

“I do.” Ueda answered a little awkwardly. “That wasn’t what I had in mind though. You see there’s a song that has always been really important to us…a song that has always been in the back of our minds whenever things were tough…a song that you might even say is the reason we always got back together, it describes the fight for what we have now pretty much perfectly…only it’s not an original song, it would be a cover.”

Johnny hummed. “For a start it would depend on if we could get the rights to it…”

“You own the rights to it.” Ueda answered sheepishly. “It’s one of our senpai’s songs, not a single just a regular album track…”

Johnny hummed again, the sound only marginally more hopeful. “If it’s something you feel strongly about then I’ll consider it, but you should be aware that releasing a cover probably wouldn’t sell as well as an original song…and the future of the unit will depend heavily on sales…”

Ueda looked at Taguchi whose heart was swelling in his chest just at the idea of being able to release that song. “We do…” Taguchi answered for them. “We understand about the sales but we really do feel strongly about this…”

Johnny nodded. “Well then” and he pulled a notepad towards him and picked up a pen. “What song is it?”

“Baby Blue” Taguchi and Ueda answered together and Johnny jotted it down; beneath it he wrote the name JunDa.

Urgh, this is so cheesy, but it was one of the things I had planned right from the start so it had to go in >_< There won't be a chapter next week because I'm away again but there will be the week after!

group: kat-tun, rating: g, member: taguchi junnosuke, pairing: junda, member: ueda tatsuya, length: multichapter

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