Title: Baby Blue: Part 1: Chapter 7
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: NC-17 to be safe
Word Count: 922
Disclaimer: I don't own anybody
Summary: It was only ever meant to be about sex...their relationship is just convenient, as long as it doesn't affect their friendship or their work there's no problem with it, right? But just how long can they carry on that way?
Chapter 7 )
Comments 8
I'm very intrigue xD
Koki blushing at Junno... is what I'm thinking?! *_*
Don't worry, I'm still enjoying it and feeling like to read more hehe
Thank you a lot for sharing! <3
Hehe...we'll have to wait and see what all that was about :p
This one was really short so I'll update again soon XD Thank you for all your lovely comments!
And ooh it was short...but I love it! >w< I like how Ueda's still concerned over Junno and stuff. And ahaha I guess Junno's getting very used to the feeling now huh? >w< Lol I wonder what'll happen next for them >w<
Again thanks for the update~ ^o^/
Hehe, of course, Ueda's not all bad after all XD Next chapter is up already, so I hope you get chance to read it XD
so while Uepi is blushing, Junno's all - Ok about things and even initiating that they spend more time together XD
I love their interaction here - chappie too short- very soon I'll be caught up then will demand more~
Don't worry, I've had a few days off so I've been getting lots of writing done XD
aww! and Uepi so sweet to worry about Junno +v0!~
It's nice to see Ueda being a bit more concerned and less avoidy this time right? XD
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