Just to let you guys know I'm still alive!
Some of you may have noticed that this is now the second week without a Baby Blue update :( The reason for this being that I haven't written any more of it yet, and with things the way they are right now, I can't make any promises about when I will get round to it. It's not like anything bad has happened (thankfully I haven't lost my fics again or anything >_< ) and it's not even that I have writers block as such, it's just that work is taking up a lot more of my time now, and the things I don't manage to get done during the week are taking up a lot of my time at the weekends, and I've been ill on and off for the past few months now so I haven't even had the energy to do much when I do have time off. Since most of you write yourselves I'm sure you all understand that sometimes it's hard to get into the writing mode too, and in particular in the right mood to write a particular story, and at the moment Baby Blue is just not coming to me.
That being said, I don't want to go on hiatus or anything, and I am still writing, just at a fraction of the speed I used too, but to keep the pressure off a little, I've decided to stop thinking about posting schedules and things, from now on I'll probably just end up posting if and when a chapter gets written. However, I'm also considering now, maybe posting some of the other fics I'm working on, I have a few one-shots and multi-chapters on the go, and some of them I have quite a lot written already so I might start posting some new things too, though again I won't post to a schedule, it'll more likely just be when I feel like it/it's written/if people want me to.
I'm also waaaaaay behind in fandom stuff/fic reading but please don't think that I'm going anywhere/losing interest, it's true my interests are widening a little recently but I'm still here, just a few weeks behind you (Pan-chan and Lyan, I know that definitely applies to you two at least, I've noticed you guys have been posting fics and I hope you don't think I'm being rude and ignoring you :P they're definitely on my list to read as soon as I get round to it).
I guess that's really all I have to say at the moment! Miss you guys ♥ and thank you for your continued support!!!