Title: Will You Be My Girl: Part 2
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7213
Disclaimer: I don't own anybody involved in the story...
Summary: Ueda prepares to surprise Junno after causing a fight.
Warnings: Cross-dressing, sex toys
A/N: I'd like to dedicate this to the wonderful
pandanyan since it's her birthday ^__^
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Comments 9
Tegoshi seems like a person you don't want to know too closely! XD I like his flirting! Poor Massu, if he knew...
Lol Tegoshi is a bit creepy right? >_< He knows faaaar too much about this scene it seems :D
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Thank you for your comment :D
lol I like the way Tegoshi is sort of lol I don't know what to call him but the impression I got was like he was in the wedding planner business XD Which is weird since no ones getting married or what but lol! I loved the whole process of Ueda being dolled up! It was so cute thinking he went through all this for Junno <3
Pfft but the phone call with Kame cracked me up, it must be painful for JunDa to admit their dull sex life...and to Kame out of all people xD
And again I have to say I really really love how you explain Ueda's look!! >w< it really does sound pretty!
Hehe now I just might go back to read part one again for the sake of continuity >w<
Anyway thanks so much! This really is a happy birthday for me since it's filled with JunDa fluffiness!! <3 <3 *huggles again* And ooh I'm curious about that 'something else' fic~ *w* hehe I'll wait for it then and yes! This did keep me satisfied! Thank you again!! <3
I know what you mean about Tegoshi, it's like this is a little side business of helping Johnny's cross-dress or something :S But I thought the image of it was pretty cute, and Tegoshi makes an incredible girl, so he had to be there to help out :D
I really like the image of Ueda dressed like that too, if I get round to it, I intend on compiling a little set of pictures to give visuals of what I imagined him wearing etc :)
I hope you have a lovely birthday and get lots of lovely fics written for you :D
I'm going away for a few days now, but will hopefully be back with Baby Blue part 3 on Tuesday or Wednesday :D
and ok, that butt plug is... so... well out of my imagination.
i just finish babyblue, and i hardly remember which one i should put in comment because it will be too many. hahaha...
thank you for all ueda's sexiness XD
I'm glad you liked it though :D Thank you for commenting!
you know yaoi is? never has good ending actually. *sigh*
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