Title: Baby Blue: Part 2: Chapter 20
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: PG-13 (minor language)
Word Count: 1281
Disclaimer: I still haven't found a way to make them my slaves yet...
Summary: It was all supposed to end with the tour...but what if they can't stop? What if they won't stop? How will it affect their relationship, and their relationships with those
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Comments 13
Aww, Junno is so sweet~ Being willing to part with his money (lol) and spending time to plan for a trip... I bet Tat-chan will have the time of his life there so please don't insert any argument between them :( *points accusingly at your other angst fict*
Thank you for this wonderful update! ^_^
Junno certainly has put a lot of thought into this trip (and money too of course) but it's worth it for his Uepi :D
Hehe, I can promise there won't be any arguments...though there may be just a teensy little bit of angst in a few chapters time >_
The part about paying the trip is sweet, Taguchi treats Tatchan like a girlfriend! ^^
I wonder what he has planned for Sunday evening, a confession? XD
And I will just pretend they did play doctor sometime before this trip! :P
Ohhh, Sunday ;) Something a little special.....
And I assure you they played doctor...the verdict? Uepi's body works perfectly fine and Junno totally does look hot in that lab coat :D I think I will get round to writing it sometime :D
Thank you for reading ^__^
And seriously Junno is the sweetest sweetheart around :3 lol I like that little bit on the cost of everything and how Junno will pay for everything..>w< I love all these fluffy romantic things he's doing!! *w*
And the trip itself sounds like something Ueda will definitely like >w< Junno did a good job didn't he? xD
Whee~ can't wait for the rest of the trip! *w* Thanks so much for the fluff and expect it to be fluffy along the entire way...right?? *w*
Hehe thanks for this sweet chapter! *huggles*
I think Junno certainly put a lot of effort into this trip and I'm sure it will pay off :D It's not like me at all to randomly throw in a load of angst when it's supposed to be all fluffy and romantic is it? Right? >_<
<3 Thank you for your comment!!!
It's actually really cute and endearing of Junno whenever he says it..
And a romantic Junno, too! Sweeping Tat-chan off his feet with this trip..
Oooooh!! Can't wait for what's going to happen next. :)
I'm glad you like romantic Junno :D And thank you for commenting!!
The idea of your fic sounds really interesting, I don't usually read anything Akame/with a focus on Akanishi (unless it's completely AU which is usually ok), but that little hint of JunDa is very tempting :D I'll be sure to comment when I read it :)
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