The Music Meme...
1. Total amount of music files on your computer?
F/A - the problem with getting a new computer before going to uni, having no time to transfer any files, then moving into a student flat with a non-working pay per minute internet.
2. The last cd you bought was...
Bucky - All the new mistakes
3. What was the last song you listened to before reading this message?
Today we had a lecture about powerpoint that involved a lovely cheesy file of accordian music - that do?
4. Write down five songs you often listen to or mean a lot to you.
1. The heart asks pleasure first/the promise (the theme to the film "The Piano") - Michael Nyman
This would be my favourite piece of music, and I can be heard ripping it off (ahem, I mean being stylisitcally influenced and inspired by it of course) any old time I sit down at the piano.
For other lush, lush piano pieces, see Big My Secret (from the same soundtrack), the Prélude from Pour le piano, Suite for Piano, L 95 by Debussy (I think I mean that piece), and Prelude in "some key I can't remember" by Chopin. Gosh, I'm a bit rubbish with these names.
2. St. Ides Heaven - Elliott Smith
Would be what I was listening to an awful lot before the batteries on my discman went flat and I've not got round to replacing them yet. But yes, his self-titled album would be on constant play still, had I the power, with particular attention to this track, with even more particular attention to the line "high on amphetamines" cos it's lush and gets stuck in my head on repeat.
For other stuff that's quite quiet, and sad but comforts me as I walk round city streets, and as such can stay in my discman for months at a time, see Aqualung's self titled album. Laugh all you want, it got me through my hideous music A level.
3. The kids aren't alright - (the) Offspring
Suppose I should mention this track as it put me on the right track, so to speak. Before this I had my parents (good, I might add) taste, and er, pop. When I first saw the offspring on top of the pops (with pretty fly for a white guy) they were hitting disembodied dolls heads and I thought they were a silly and stupid, and just trying to get a reaction (and they did manage to get complaints!) in the a really pathetic way. It wasn't until this track that I realised I actually really liked them, and bought their album, and turned away from awful, awful pop.
Other music new to me at the time, and eagerly devoured would be Green day, Nofx, Bad religion, Pennywise, other stuff along these lines, and (ahem) Blink 182 (they used to be good/ahem, well, likable by Jen!)
4. all the music done by... - S J Esau
What can I say, all the Bristol people know how wonderful he is, all the nottingham/derby/dispersed people don't....yet. It all stems back to when I moved into Bristol (yup, the whole city), I stuck stuff in my room, ate a pizza with my parents, bid them goodbye, then went to my first choke night. S J Esau was the first act on, and I KNEW I was in the right place (also conveniently at the right time) with the right people - who were interested in stuff I was. There were orchestral instruments being used! Hurrah for the oft maligned talents of Max Milton in his aiding and abeting of S J Esau (though he did tantalisingly have a clarinet out which he DIDN'T use, cos they ran out of time, grr). All in all, the music is great and imaginative, the lyrics are likewise, and can cover the sublime to the rediculous - all with style and intelligence, the live shows are always different and interesting, and have I bummed you enough yet sam???
For those who don't yet know -
5. The whole "what music is particularly important to me?" question has become too difficult, and I've been doing this meme far too long. I covered the alternative option of "listening to recently" earlier with Elliott Smith, but I think I'm going to go for the cop out option again and say:
Teletext Nights - War Against Sleep (has been playing in my head alot)
Cos it's very, very good. Whatever press review person said "classic songwriting" of W.A.S. are entirely correct, just listen to the chord progression on Bedminster Parade! (I just checked - it was some jurno from Record Collector). According to their coincidentally Nottingham based label Fire, "the kids dont get him in Nottingham" which, refering to the latest single "is a good enough reason to buy it ... " I don't understand. What are they trying to say?
Prove them wrong at or 5. What new music are you really excited for in the coming year so far?
I normally play catch-up with good stuff, thus I was shocked when last year I really wanted faking the books by lali puna, and spent fruitless hours searching for it, only to discover it wasn't out yet.
This means, in terms of albums coming out, I only really know about my friends. So this year I've been excited by the appearence of new albums by S J Esau and Bucky. I shall continue to be excited by the anticipation of albums by War Against Sleep (I need to be able to play teletext nights when it's stuck in my head) and I heard Mr Turner's putting out some new stuff by Matt J - which made me very happy. I want.
6. What 5 people are you going to pass this baton to and why?
Anyone who is bored and can be botherd to do it. Though I warn you, that pick 5 tracks thing is veeeery tricky.