
Aug 22, 2004 00:13

I got a D.

Which was alright.

Unconditional offers means I was going to Uni anyway.

I did better than expected in some areas of the subject.

However I only got "just one mark over the boundry for an E grade" for my A2 compositions.

Twatting examiner cunts. The fuckers don't know what they're on about - I'm seriously doubting they even bothered to listen to the recordings or look at the scores.

Pissed me right off. I was all prepared to be happy with my D, but this was mildly upsetting.

I'm awaiting the examiner's report which my teacher said he'd get. I wanna know how the fuckers justify this.

I'd written some pretty darn good pieces, and I know it. Fuck false modesty.

But all in all, I'm OK.

Roebuck (wetherspoons) and Rock City night out was muchly fun, and involved seeing a few old Bilborough people I hadn't seen in a while.

Rock City even played some fun music, despite the main room being closed, the Rig changed music policy, and after hearing the usual recent Blink 182 and The Rasmus earlier on, they actually worked out that this week they were mainly populated with actual 18-year-olds, not the usual fifteenagers, and played music acordingly! I also was suitably tipsy! (On 2 reefs and 2 malibu and oranges! Yay light-weight cheapness! - £7.18!)

Ben, Toni, and Simon then stopped at my house, but not before Simon had drunkenly led us to a sit-down-waiter-service Indian restaurant at about 2:40am, where we attempted to purchase wine, but alas, they had stopped serving at 2:30. We didn't want food, so buggard off to the bus stop. We got to sleep at about 5, and I didn't wake up till 2pm when Toni poked her head round the door and said they were leaving.

All good fun.

And after last nights shift, I only have 6 shifts of work to go! Yay!

I go down to Bristol for two days on the 16th/17th (which I may try and change if I can pursuade my mum, I wanna go to my friends skate video premiere), and I move in on the 25th.

That's like 5 weeks!
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