Jan 12, 2009 22:36
So, the Emergency room at Crittenton is really nice.
I got to check it out for myself. I was in there losing everything I ate/drank in every way possible this weekend. I felt terrible, more so that I ha no control over myself and someone else had to clean up my last meal off of the floor : ( So I went through a lot of Saline, and could only drink water/juice a table spoon at a time when I went back home. I have never felt so dehydrated since my kidney stone.
Can't wait for that bill!
BUT- I did have an amazing boyfriend to take care of me. Seriously, the nurses wouldn't even help me out of the bathroom- and then came Dave, holding his nose and holding me up to get in the wheel chair. He even went out and brought me meds and apple juice, even though I wasn't release until 5am ish He stayed up the whole night and made it to work right after.
Oh and did I mention the sunflowers in my living room? The rest of my body felt horrid, but my heart sure feels good.
Well, now I am better and on to new things! Whoohoo school!