Christmas time,

Dec 12, 2007 13:44

It feels like I've been gone from livejournal forever.
I just have nothing to share.
I've been feeling happier, content and that is spectacular.
I've also been glued to Jer's Nintendo DS for the past two days.
I want one super bad.

There is just too many journals to read and not so much time is being spent on this thing.
There are a select few(a lot!) of you who's journals I absolutely love reading and thus I'm keeping you on for sure, but the rest will have to comment if they want to stay.

This is the people I pretty much love in a non creepy way(there's no way I'll ever delete you guys):

1. yourstrulytessa
2. youralarms
3. xdreamxdeeplyx
4. the_hollowness
5. speak_ifyoudare
6. oilgurtaloc
7. nosundays
8. lindsatting
9. lindsaaayerin
10. lemonandhoney
11. in_elegant
12. ensue
13. cozmik_faerie
14. broken_xx_wings
15. actslikesummer
16. ashen_lies
17. anothercup

That's pretty much half of you, but still.
Any one else who wants to stay, comment.
I'll give you two weeks
: )

Now, it's time to catch up.
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