Jeremiah was a bullfrog, was a good friend of mine

Apr 13, 2006 20:09

This morning, Niraj, Alex, Genna, and I met in the library to discuss what the SUED (Students United to Embrace Diversity) Club was going to do for it's Day of Respect. The Day of Respect is actually a spin off of the Day of Silence, but since the administration rejected that idea, we had to devise our own day. We decided that we would make some t-shirts with the SUED logo and the words "Honor Diversity" on the front and we would let individuals personalize the back with whatever they wanted (within reason, of course). We also decided that we would order some bracelets (the silicone ones: think Livestrong) with either "Respect" or "Honor Diversity" on them, as well. I really like this idea, because not only can we wear them on the Day of Respect, but also on a regular day, too. On the Day, we are going to wear the shirts and the bracelets and also carry cards detailing the objectives of the Day and charging the reader to honor diversity in his or her own life. It is probably going to happen on April 25th, so keep your eyes and ears open, boys and girls... and others. *C*

Of course, this leads right into the Day of Silence, which is April 26th. For those of you who don't know, the Day of Silence is a day that recognizes gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered individuals and the silence that they are forced to endure before they come out of the closet - and sometimes even afterwards, as well. Although the school has rejected the idea of doing the Day of Silence on a group level, I (and a few other students at school) are still planning on participating in the Day of Silence on a personal level. I welcome all of you to join us in our statement to help make the world a more accepting place to live. If you would like more information, please go to the official Day of Silence website, located at I hope that I won't hear you on the 26th.

On a slightly different note, I did take the guy up on his offer. I IM-ed him yesterday, and we got to talking. Unfortunately, it didn't work out very well. He's 21 and in the navy - and consequently not quite the guy for me. It's nice to know that I can attract other guys though.

Anyway, thanks to Jordan for tagging me with the survey. I've filled it out below, if you care in the least.

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Cheese
I love almost any food that contains cheese (including cheese itself). I would have gone with chocolate, but I figured that one is universal.
Literary: Self-help books I don't need self-help books, I just enjoy reading the "motivating quotes" and "memorable stories" that they contain. A friend of mine turned me on to them.Audiovisual: Chick Flicks I'm guess I'm just your stereotypical gay guy. I xo<3xo chick flicks (*C*), but I don't usually watch them that often because of my parents.
Musical: Country Yes, I like country music. No, I'm not ashamed of it... usually.
Celebrity: Justin Timberlake He is sooooo hottttt!!!!! - he's one of my favourite celebs. I chose him over the others, though, because he's the one that few others will agree with me on.

Now I tag:-

ambereyes525 bradfordcp frenchroo kelsilina and thesoulischeap

to complete this same Quiz, Its HERE.

:) Ethan

PS - Tonight, there's a full moon.
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