Sep 16, 2008 13:03
I really do think I'll lose my mind this school year. I don't know anyone in my classes aside from AP studio art, so it in't going to be a dramatic ~*boo hoo senior year is over already*~? thing for me, by any means.
What it will be is me getting more and more panicked as the end of the school year inches closer at a snails pace. How am I going to live alone when I still run out of my basement because I think a monster is going to eat me if I don't escape? What am I going to do when the last 7 years I've survived with one best friend, and I'm moving states away from her? I'm hardly a social butterfly. Where am I going to work? How am I going to afford all of this? My dad isn't going to abandon me or anything..
What happens when I'm 18 and in all reality my relationship, no matter how long distance, is illegal and I could get into some serious shit for it? What happens when you're responsible for yourself, anyway?
But what about after college? How am I going to afford to keep my horse? How am I going to make the money I need to start living the life I want? How am I going to make my parents happy with grandchildren to spoil? How am I going to put gas in my car, and food in my mouth? Where am I going to live? How am I going to get there? What happens when my horse decides to eat some paint chips and colics?
I could go on, trust me. I'd really rather not.
Right now, my only answer to any of this is: hide.
I don't think that's really going to help me out much, is it?
In lighter news...
Two people chose my artwork to critique, rather than everyone else's single critique. It kinda made me happy, also, that both the papers I got back were a page long with positive commentary, rather than the paragraph of forced crap that alot of people tend to get.
I only have 2 chapters of reading to do, and a drawing of a key in my sketchbook.
I have money to go buy myself ice cream. Or cookies. Or both.
I am stronger than any of the kids in my weight training group. ;D
My dad isn't home giving me chores?
I wish I could ride my horse.