CRaZy iDea #1

Jan 07, 2005 01:10

In the week or so before xmas, Al Franken wasn't on his own radio show as he was in the Middle East entertaining troops on a USO tour. And I started to think, are most of the people on these tours "stars" or are there unknown types? What kind of acts do they have on these tours? Do they ever have improv groups? I know that may not fit the usual mode for that, they may not dig the idea of not really knowing what's going to happen onstage, but I think it's a very interesting idea. It would likely be beyond their usual stuff, and could go over very well. That's when you have good sets, of course. But audiences are often very forgiving of a so-so set when they realize you really are flying by the seat of your pants, and they'd probably be a very appreciative audience.

Practically speaking, I know that lots of improv types are pretty liberal, as I am. But to me, there is a difference between being against the war and actually being supportive of the people serving in the military that probably don't want to be there anyway. Also, when they refer to "volunteering" for the USO, what does that mean, monetarily? Literally nothing? I wouldn't expect a lot of money, but I usually couldn't just go away for a few weeks if there wasn't some base stipend pay or such to cover some bills in my absence.

And as the heading said, this is a pretty crazy idea, but I was thinking about it a couple weeks ago and decided to put it down for the fun of it.
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