Last night the entire sea-cow staff attended (seperatly) the burning love letters/scout's honor split release show. This is what i gleaned from that fateful night.
Matty G, Filthy communist dog----do yourself a favor and go read matty G's LJ. specificly,
this part. Our Sea-Cow Staffer went out and fought for the for the blue collar and the man came
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You did not write about them because frankly, you do not enjoy hardcore. If you do not enjoy hardcore, you should probably not slander a hardcore band that supports the band you like (Scout's Honor)and plays a major role in the Peoria music scene. I doubt I will read a hardcore fan's critique on the Burning Love Letters recording followed by "I did not write about Scout's Honor because I don't like them. (insert rude comment about Jared or Tom)." There is an understood respect that comes natural to most.
My comment is prolonged and exaggerated because theseacow is not a person. It is an entity that claims to somehow help the music scene. Well at least that's what I think theseacow is supposed to be. There is no way that your post has helped anyone.
And I like the backup whispy noise.
However, I garnered (between the lines more or less) that you feel i slighted Jared and Tom also. Is this true?
I tried to make it clear that the backup noise thing was ONLY an opinion (that the entire review was/is really). I AM NOT cutting down that song! It' very well done and invokes strong feelings. I just feel that Jareds own voice and guitar/drums would have had a much deeper impact, utilizing the lo fi two man sound, rather than hide from it. i dunno. get back to me, i'm interested.
I just really like the backup whispy noise.
i like your level headedness. you ought to write w/ us sometime. i like the idea of absorbing different viewpoints.
Tell me this, in case I've missed it completely. What is the point of The Sea Cow. What is your goal? Who is part of The Sea Cow?
Currently, the core group that makes up The Sea-Cow consists of NYC Nic, Matty G, and myself. There are others, working more behind the scenes, but I really want this to become something which a large part of the scene becomes involved with. It's non-exclusive. You called it an entity, and i like that, with any luck this will be something that the scene embraces and takes off on it's own (in some form, whether that form would be other competing zines or a continuation of what we're doing) I'm meeting with Matty G and Nic today to put together the first print issue (8 lazy months in the making). After the release of the print issue, we hope for things to snowball, and there are a lot of plans in the works.
If you're still interested, let me know and i'll keep you in the loop for upcoming stuff. It'd be great to have you in the ranks. (fuck man, this post is dragging all the lonnng comments out of me)
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