The Sea-Cow loves the time after time video

Jul 22, 2004 12:51

107 FRIENDS! Apparently some people had read the plea for more friends we had put up earlier. Unfortunatley very few of you followed through and introduced yourselves. come on, whats to be afraid of, we can't stalk all 107 of you!

so what's gone down durin the curious absense of the RAW Sea-Cow?

---The Soutside VFW hall was burgled a couple weeks ago, a mere two days or so after hosting the release of Jared Grabb's Comp (If it Plays Peoria, available at Co-oP, INTERPUNK, and SMARTPUNK). A TV and an undisclosed amount of money were stolen. the TV was valued at $1000. Will this have an effect on booking? I doubt it. Maybe though. Someone let me know.

---The long lost Sea-Cow tech-man Jon Martin contacted us recently. It seems that he had finished the site long ago and neglected to tell anyone. He'll be uploading ti this week, I'll post a link when the time comes.

To refresh your memory, this site will be PHP powered, have a messageboard, and an allmusic like database for just the peoria area, past and present. We'll need help compiling info.

---I like to keep one good eye on the Peoria shows message board( ). The most entertaining thread being the one about Mikey Von Ransom. I dig the Jet Set, I think Adam and Joel are pretty dope.  I don't know Mikey, and i know that a lot of the people posting are more pissed about past Mikey grievances, but for everyone else: Who wouldn't have flipped out?

If i got dropped from a band i'd put a lot of time and energy into directly post show (as in, the other bands are still playing, we just finished our set) I'd get pissed and do somethign stupid too (like maybe steal the bands money and merch?). In any case, I think it'd be fun to hear his side.

---That said, I hope the Jet Set gets a better organist.

---Is anyone else really interested in seeing Cyndi Lauper when she comes to town?!

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