the only answer is yes.

Dec 12, 2008 10:48

for once this feels SO right.

EDIT: maybe i'll add a little bit more to this entry haha. some bullets:

o not moving to chicago. waaaay to expensive.
o the stupid thing i did; i apologized, got it off my chest and feel much better now.
o done with fall semester. i think i did very well. slacked off a lot, but i worked it out.
o hanging out with a really great guy for the past couple of weeks.
o i couldn't be happier right now.
o a job would help, though.

happy holidays! love you all.

FIVE Things I'm Thankful For in December

five. my grandmother's sarcastic sense of humor
four. a toothbrush
three. when my sister mocks my irritibility haha
two. warm clothes
one. having a family to rely on
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