Feb 12, 2006 14:46
yesterday was the funnest day i have had in some time.
the lacrosse clinic was suprisingly fun. i didnt do so good, i was rusty. its been a while.
my new coach, a bit on the other side. but she seems nice. i wish she woudl have talked to us a little more then what she did but, whatever. it was nice to see sweet lou. and the rest of the gang.
we told herps, that she shoudl snowboard with us. i was on my way down to holiday valley and she calls me to tell me she jsut left her house and she was meeting us up there. i had so much fun with her and ashley. it was pretty interesting, and im going to miss her so much :(
i came home to an empty house. i find out my parents are at the hospital because my dad got into a snowmobile accident. he was going 45mph, and hit somethign under the snow. the sled flew in the air and flipped then landed, while my dad also was lifted into the air, landed and then flipped about 8 times. hes lucky the sled didnt land on him, and he only broke his finger. he also did somethign to his groinded, and it took the doctors forever to find out waht was wrong with him. he couldnt walk, and still cant. and he had to spend the night at the hospital. he came home today and told me how was getting shots in his ass, and how he was farting uncontrollably. hes alright, and im glad hes okay, he just hops around on crutches, rather then walk.
today, i was up at 7. then napped at 11. i am so sore, its unbelievable. i was really working myself at snowboarding, it was rough keeping up with herps. and the fact that i went down hills that i would never consider. i face planted a real good one. and lindsya was the only one to see it. i think thats what really set me to being sore. ugh
so, to kill a mockingbird was on tv. and it was at the part i jsut finished reading, so it was great. now i knwo exactly what happens, and i dont have to finsih the last part of the book. how splended... that was the best book i ever read.