
Mar 20, 2011 15:51

Fandom: Smallville
Title: Equate
Author: Delu
Pairings: Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Warning: BDSM
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 2,345
Status: Complete
Summary: In Lex's mind, it all boiled down to trust.


To have someone give you control of their bodies and minds, to be entrusted with the responsibility to take care of them, to have someone willing to suffer for you, to forsake pride and dignity to please you... what other gift in this world can possibility equate to that? And more importantly, what makes you worthy to receive it? - Anonymous

Lex shivered. The room was far from cold, but that didn't stop the tremor that ran down his spine. Excitement raced across his skin, a buzz of electricity intermingling with the anticipation. Tugging lightly on the leather clasps that bound him to the bed posts, Lex swallowed hard and shifted as far as he could given his limited range of motion. A part of him wished that he hadn't given Clark consent to tie the silk scarf around his head, blocking his vision and leaving him at the teenager's mercy. Another part of him - a larger part - told him that this was exactly what he wanted, and what they both needed.

In Lex's mind, it all boiled down to trust.

Trust that Clark wouldn't hurt him, trust that Clark would keep him safe, trust that Clark would love him always - no matter if he were ruthlessly taking over a company, or on his knees, begging for release. And Lex trusted Clark, in every way. Which was how he ended up with his limbs stretched out across silk sheets, dick pressed tightly enough between the mattress and his stomach to let him feel the friction of his movement, but doing nothing to solve his pleasurable tension.

"Clark," he rasped out, turning his head from one side to another.

After the scarf was put over his eyes, Lex had felt Clark's unnatural body heat disappear from his side. The bald man strained to hear movement within his cavernous room but he was having no luck picking up the sounds of his lover. The tension was keen within his body, making his muscles flex as he waited for whatever Clark was going to bestow upon him. The probabilities ran through his mind like a dizzying fantasia of eroticism.

He awaited the sharp sting of a hand across his ass or perhaps a gentle caress on his bicep. Maybe his dark haired Adonis would press kisses soft as feathers along his back or drag blunt nails down his sides, hard enough to leave marks. Would Clark prepare him, or would he just begin to fuck him with no regards to Lex's own satisfaction? Lex shivered again and knew there had to be something wrong with him to enjoy that last scenario as much as he did.

A whine escaped his throat, unfamiliar and needy. "Clark," he pleaded, pressing as far into the silk sheets as he could. The friction was there, but it just wasn't enough. "Please, Clark. I can't - " he broke off as a warm weight settled across the backs of his thighs. Lex groaned as an uncallused finger traced a fiery path into his flesh, trailing from the edges of his jaw to the underside of his ear and then over the protrusion at the back of his head. His muscles jumped and the heat from that one point of moving contact went straight to his cock, making it impossibly harder.

Clark suddenly leaned forward, pressing them back to chest. Lex groaned again and tried to buck up into the hard length that settled into the cleft of his ass. For a moment, he didn't care that he wasn't ready, slick and open for his lover - Lex just needed Clark in him now.

"God, just harder - oh," he hissed in pleasure. Clark shifted his weight and ground his erection against Lex's hot center, tops of his thighs brushing the underside of Lex's ass and pushing the older man further into the bed, causing a pleasurable vortex of dual stimulation. Lex's breath hitched with the movement before he craned his head backwards. The inability to see was amplifying the sensations a thousand fold and Lex wanted to know how it felt for his mouth to be fucked by Clark's tongue. "Clark?" he breathed, voice edging desperation.

"Lex," Clark responded a few inches from his head. Before he knew it, Lex's lips were being smothered by a forceful kiss, domineering and severe. With anyone else, Lex would've felt a rush of fear shoot through him at the demanding way the kiss was being treated, but with Clark he knew exactly where he stood. He wanted Clark to push him like this - take everything Lex was and own it. Own him.

And then, he was gone.

The same whine from earlier showed itself as the billionaire writhed on his bed sheets, desperate for contact. "No, no, no," he repeated, tugging frantically at his restraints. "Clark, please, just a little more. So close."

"Not yet, Lex," Clark's voice came from his left, rough like sandpaper in his ears. His cock shot a burst of precum onto the sheets at the sound and Lex could imagine himself cumming from his lover's voice alone. It took a moment to process that Clark had said 'no' and that - damn what he thought about it - his body listened to Clark's command. Traitor, Lex hissed irrationally, letting his head fall into the soft pillows underneath him.

This time he could hear Clark moving about, ever-so subtly. He was rummaging for something in the drawer beside Lex's bed and, after a moment, seemed to find it. The noise stopped again and Lex awaited the teenager's next move.

"Do you know what I'm going to do to you, Lex?" Clark asked, voice sounding far too innocent for the situation. When Lex didn't answer, a hand came down on his behind with the swiftness of a punishment. Lex arched up into the pain, taking anything he could get. "Answer me."

"No," the bald man shook his head, wishing he could see through the blindfold to look at his lover's face.

"'No' what?" Clark asked him, large palm rubbing soothing circles on abused flesh.

"N-no, I don't know what you're going to do to me," Lex responded, breath hitching as a curious finger trailed into his crevice.

"Do you wanna know, Lex?" the other man asked. "Do you wanna know what I'm going to do - how I'm going to make you scream my name and beg me to bring you off?"

Lex could only nod his head against the pillows he'd smothered his face into, too overwhelmed for any other response.

"Gotta hear the words, Lex," Clark responded, tone holding a curious edge. "Unless, of course, you don't want to get off." He straddled his lover again, and brought the head of his cock to the ridge of Lex's ass to just rest there. "I could leave you tied up like this, at my mercy, for days. I'd do it, you know; you'd belong to me fully and I wouldn't ever have to share you again." Lex felt heat on his back as Clark moved in closer, the teenager's messy hair whispering along his blank skull. "They don't deserve you - don't deserve to see you like this, all tied up and shaking."

"Only you, Clark, only you," Lex promised, sweat leaving long trails down the indent of his back as Clark licked at his neck.

"Mine," Clark growled before biting down hard on Lex's shoulder, rocking his hips into his lover's ass. The bald man took a sharp intake of breath before moaning, long and low. He thrust backwards, wanting to be as close to Clark as he possibly could be.

"Please," he begged.

Clark moaned. "Love it when you beg," he breathed into his lover's ear. Lex felt fingers trail over his sides and, unlike before, this time they were coated in the lubricant he kept in the bedside drawer. He shuddered in anticipation. "Only one who can give you this. Make you feel like this." He punctuated his sentence with thrusting a finger into Lex's tight hole, flexing it as his lover made a sharp sound of approval at the back of his throat. Another finger joined the first too soon, and he searched for that special spot that would make the discomfort of being stretched quickly all but disappear. Then again, Lex had always liked a little pain with his pleasure.

"Oh!" Lex gasped, bucking. "Oh, yes, yes, yes…" he chanted. Clark scissored his fingers and thrust a third one in, far too impatient to be inside Lex for a drawn out preparation. His middle finger jabbed his lover's prostate again and the bald man smashed his face into the pillow, grunting. "So close, so close, so close…" he whimpered, rocking his hips frantically against the smooth silk sheets.

All of the sudden, the fingers that had been fucking him were gone and Clark's heat was blanketing Lex once more. "Nuh-uh, Lex. You're mine. You don't come until I say so."

"Clark," the older man complained. Then, he could feel the head of his lover's cock right up against his ass, lube smearing along the bunched muscle.

"Say you're mine," Clark demanded, breath heaving. His voice had taken on an edgy quality, as if he needed to hear that Lex was his - always had been.

"Yours," he promised, neck craned sideways as he searched blindly behind him, homemade mask obscuring his vision. Clark let out a strained breath before pushing his cock into his lover and claiming those scarred lips as his own. Lex tensed up at the intrusion before relaxing minutely, allowing Clark to inch his way in. A familiar tongue delved into his mouth to distract him from the worst of the pain before pulling away.

"God, Lex, so tight," Clark hissed as he slid the rest of his erection into Lex's heat. He paused to give Lex time to adjust. A moment later, when the bald man yanked at the restraints covering his wrists and ankles, the teenager knew it was time to move.

He slid a little out before pushing back in at an agonizing pace, torturing both of them with a cruel sort of pleasure. He did it again and again before pulling out nearly all the way. Lex let out an involuntary whine at the sense of loss and uselessly tried to press backwards. Above him, Clark panted and watched his helpless lover, enjoying the sense of total control he had. Somewhere in the back of his head he knew he ought to be concerned with all of this - the bondage and the fascination of total and complete ownership he had over Lex. Ought to be scared, even, because it just wasn't normal.

But then again, they were Clark and Lex and nothing between them was ever normal to start with. And, besides, Clark could tell that Lex was getting off on this as much as he was. It wasn't just the sex - though, God, that was good - but the voluntary surrender of power from one of them to the other. Right now, Clark held it safely in the palm of his hands and, later, when they were done with the games they played, it would be returned to Lex, no qualms about it.

"Fuck, Clark, please," Lex cried out, desperate for some sort of release. The dark haired teenager took one more second to revel in the power he held before pumping his hips sharply into his lover, eliciting a gasp from the rough treatment. "Oh! Yes, yes, yes," Lex all but hissed. Clark moaned and ground himself into the tight heat that engulfed him. When Lex let out another long, low moan he knew he'd found that special spot again and aimed for it.

"Shit, Lex, so tight, so responsive," Clark panted, gripping pale hips and pushing them into the mattress. "Gonna make you cum without even touching you," he whispered into Lex's ear. He trailed his lips down and said, "Gonna mark you and show everyone you're mine." Plump lips latched themselves onto a warm throat and sucked hard, bruising it. Clark jabbed his hips sharply into Lex's prostate again as he bit down and his lover tensed.

"Clark!" Lex screamed, the tight coil in his stomach releasing in the most exquisite way. His toes curled and the long streams of cum pressed between his taut stomach and the now ruined silk sheets. The muscles of his hole rung out his lover's orgasm and Lex let out a contented sigh when he felt Clark's seed fill him. Before long, the teen had pulled out and collapsed on top of his lover, the weight a comfortable sensation on his back. They laid that way for a moment before Clark rolled off him and slowly unclasped bruised joints.

Kissing the sore skin, Clark said, "You shouldn't have struggled so much."

Lex snorted. "You shouldn't have teased so much," he replied as he reached up to slip the scarf from around his head. Clark beat him to it, though, and slid it down over his face and around his neck, using the cloth to pull his lover in for a kiss.

"Love you, Lex," the teenager said tiredly, throwing an arm over his lover, easily giving up the power he had basked in only minutes before.

The bald man curled up in the embrace and buried his face in a warm neck. "Love you, too, Clark."

pairing: clark/lex, fic: smallville

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