"We Have A Murder/Death/Kill"

Jul 05, 2008 12:16

So, life has been a little busy these last few weeks and I'm not ashamed to say that it's taken me a little while to adjust in terms of personal free time. I've mostly been using my time off from the job, even on the days when I've left relatively early due to not having much to do, unwinding or working out or watching movies.

I have been consuming movies and television seasons via DVD at an alarming rate.

But now the creative bug is hitting me again, and my taste for entertainment has swung firmly in the direction of crime fiction. I just finished reading Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammet (a crime story set in a 1930 West-coast mining town, where an unnamed Continental Operative for the Pinkerton Agency is called in by a client who's murdered before they can meet, and stays on to finish the job anyway) along with some others, rewatched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang with my folks, and am working my way through a book on private detective techniques.

I've got a vague story concept that's been floating at the back of my mind for a while now, mixing a little fantasy and a little murder mystery, and that apparently is part of what's driving the appetite for all of this.

Well, that and the job giving me a bit of experience in some of the least glamorous aspects of the whole process.

Speaking of that story idea, it's actually tied rather tightly into some setting ideas I've had for that REIGN roleplaying game I was running before summer started. I'm really going to make an effort to dig into the wiki I created for the game and update some things (I've already sketched out some notes on what happened in the unrecorded sessions), as well as add a great deal of setting information.

I hope some of the former players are interested in picking that one up again at some point.

Hope everyone else is doing well!


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