So, earlier this year (lets give it an estimate of say... October 13) I posted a question for people. People who like Christmas. People who like cards. People who like mix CD's. People who like mail. People who like receiving things. People who like people. That kind of thing. It was - and still is - a genius idea. I did however blatantly steal it from Natalie, but, who cares when there's giving involved?
So, here is the original question in all its glory:
I am going to blatantly rip off
geekynat's Christmas Card run idea and put a spin on it. If you wish to receive a Christmas Card with a nice Christmas-y Mix CD made by yours truly, then leave a message here or email me with your address to So, if you wish to receive a lovely Mix CD with a lovely Christmas Card, then do that. You better. Otherwise I will seem like a fool for trying to rip off this nice idea.
The people who's names are below are going to receive a lovely Christmas card and Mix CD from yours truly. Next Friday is the last day (so that's December 9) that I'll be accepting people's requests for a card/CD since I'll be sending them out the week after that. I've done my math and those in the US should receive their card and CD before Christmas, so no worries there.
(Also, if you do want one but don't want to leave your address here, as mentioned above, just email it to me, but please leave me a reply here so I know to check my mail, because I'm stupid like that.)
Anyhow, please, leave your name and I'll add you to the list of fantastic people who like Christmas, cards and music!