(no subject)

May 16, 2009 16:32

Today one of the guys that stole my wallet came back into my work.
The one that I recognized as kind of regular last week, not the one that actually stole the wallet.
He was definitely involved in the theft though.
He came in all friendly and trying to talk to me while I was getting his tea.
I was so furious and upset that I was shaking.
I said, "You were in last weekend weren't you?"
and he got all shifty
Then immediately he was like, "Have you seen that guy I was with last weekend at all this week? He ran out on me and I haven't seen him since."
Brilliant. Fucking brilliant. So he cleared himself of any of the blame even if I was to confront him because now it's all the other guy, so he can continue to come in and get his tea and I will have to serve him.
I gave him his tea.
"I'm short five cents, is that ok?"
When he went to get the extra 5 cents I turned to my boss, and told her that was one of the guys.
"I know. What do you want me to do about it!? There's nothing I can do about it. Just don't talk to him."
Well if I have to serve him, I have to talk to him.
You want to know what I wanted you to do about it? I wanted you to say "We know what you did and you are no longer welcome in this establishment."
I wanted you to back me up, to support me, to show that you cared and understood about my personal violation.
I wanted you to make it clear to me that as a longtime employee and friend, I meant more to you than the $1.50 business we receive from a criminal and his teas.
To make it worse, for the rest of the day my boss was incredibly snappy and rude to me. She made me stay late so our new employee of three weeks (and her personal friend) could take a break. I have worked there for a YEAR AND A HALF and have NEVER demanded a break. You don't get breaks in a busy restaurant, that is not how it works.
My dad said she was just retaliating because she could sense I was angry with her. Well excuse me, but I believe I have the right to be angry at her for standing by and doing NOTHING.
With the methhead who stole our tip jar with around 5 dollars in it TWO DAYS before my wallet got stolen, her response was "He is never allowed to come in here again." With approximately 200 dollars of personal loss to me, one of the theives is allowed to come in and order tea whenever he feels like.
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