Jan 10, 2006 11:57
I'm exhausted. After a full night's sleep Sunday night, I woke up Monday morning to get ready for work, and I was overcome by weakness. I had only had a little junk food and a bowl of tuna the day before, so I figured I needed some food. I enjoyed another bowl of tuna, seeing as how that's about all that's left in our pantry until I get my loan money and can head to the grocery store. Unfortunately, that just made me nauseous. I called in to work and decided to take a nap. I woke up sicker and vomitted, fortunately, for the only time that day. Next came the fever and probable dehydration. Everytime I sat or stood up to use the bathroom or get something or take care of something, I felt like I weighed a ton and would be overcome by nausea. I had to stay in bed all day until no position was comfortable and my back and neck ached. I have been able to keep some medicine down and even graduated to chairs today, but I missed school. Hopefully, I'll be kicking some ass once again tomorrow. The best thing to come out of all of this is that my three-day-long sore throat is virtually gone as is my cold. I was afraid that it was going to be an eternity since I had seen little improvement in my condition in nearly a week. I think I would have preferred that to what I went through yesterday, but seeing as things are looking up, I'm just glad it's over.
I suppose I'll let you all get back to your lives. I'm probably going to go veg-out in front of the Xbox.