Hail to the king, baby...

Mar 30, 2005 11:39

Yesterday me and my friends watched "Army of Darkness" - I fucking love that movie! Anyways, it was so amazing I downloaded some stuff and managed to rip a screen shot for my desktop, which I offer to anyone else who thinks they are cool enough to use it as their background:

I've also got a wide screen version here:ftp://scat.hopto.org/armyofdarknesschainsawwidescreen.bmp

Yup, that's right, it's Ash just about to connect his stub to his chainsaw so he can kill the evil demon of the pit. Hah, if you haven't seen that movie, go watch it now because it's hilarious and great. So many awesome quotes - which I will inevitably be constantly saying over the next few months.

We have been playing dodge ball with racquetballs lately in our dorm (only a couple of times). Our most recent game was...last Monday I believe. It's a great game - get hit 5 times and you're out, we've had 2 on 2 games and a couple of 3 on 2's (with some kind of handicap to even it out). No serious injuries yet, although I smashed my nose and got a little bruise and Mike hit his arm on some metal and claims it is extremely painful. Anyways, on our game Monday, a cop came up to our floor and said "Hey, what are you guys doing? We've gotten some complaints of noise" (by the way, at this point we are all standing there holding like 5 racket balls a piece, sweating, hiding behind the couches we propped up as barriers, and wondering if the cop being there means the game should be paused until he leaves or not). So I answer "playing dodge ball"...so he kind of takes a look around and nods and then says "alright.....alright...just keep it down" like he's seen this shit a million times before. I bet he played too when he was younger. So we keep playing, and about a half hour later (1 am or so) we see 3 public safety cars pull up - and then about 5 minutes after that 3 cops come barging in screaming at us. Hah, it was hilarious - all we could do was make fun of them. We were waiting for the choppers to land and start tranquilizing us or something. They even had one guy (a fourth, I guess) standing outside with a flashlight, surveying, ready to call backup just in case we pulled any slick moves and took out the 3 armed police men with our dodge balls? Anyways, they got their big bust of the night and told us we couldn't play anymore :(.

Also we've been playing frisbee, which it has been too long since I've played. I really do want to go to Meigs field again so we can have a big field, and play around on the rocks and stuff - that was so much fun. Maybe this weekend - weather looks OK. Anyone interested?

Hmm anything else going on in my life? Well, yes....of course. The above three paragraphs describing a couple of games and a movie does not sum up the entirety of the last week of my life, nor does it even come close...BUT, according to things you would actually be interested in, the post should probably just end here.

Ohhh, before I forget - I got a new monitor. Oh God, it's so amazing - I can see shit so much easier. I can feel my eyesight returning to normal after straining so much to see through the cloudy, fucked up screen of my CRT monitor. This one is all LCD, too, reeeeaaaalll nice. Small enough so I can push it back and have room to do my homework on my desk, which I never could do easily before. I do notice that the contrast and brightness with LCD monitors is harder to tweak than CRT....same interface but - it's just harder to get a crisp color/brightness scheme. But the pros definitely outweigh the cons - and even if my old CRT monitor worked, I would like the LCD better.

That's all for now. Peace :).
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