Whoo, so I finally got my http server to work again. Man, it was a bitch this time....I hate the windows firewall, it causes all kinds of problems. Anyways, that means I can post pictures again, so in conjunction with a new camera to play with, that will equal me making more posts on LJ.
These pictures are a tad big, so I shrunk them down to 626X835, and I'll do the
First, got some pictures of my dog completely covered in snow, it was ridiculous. Especially since this shit is thawing out all over the house, and he wants to go out every ten seconds. I was ready to put up no diving signs around the low points of our house by the end of the day.
Ah this one is awesome. So, I was testing out this new camera I have (this was taken merely minutes after I got it, as you might deduce from the Christmas decor in the background) and I ended up doing the pretty cliché take a picture of yourself in the mirror thing. It was kind of random, and I was frantically searching for things to digitally photograph (it's my first camera like this). Anyways, I thought it turned out freakin awesome because it looks like I'm holding some kind of ancient....now bear with me.....super-powerful time piece of....doom. Upon breaking it, it causes the complete and utter destruction of the Time Space continuum...and....other stuff like that. Just don't fuck with me, OK? I mean, my eyes are closed and everything (I'm summoning power, or something), and it was a complete accident.
Karl! Steve! Remember burrito man? Alright, I'm not going to type out the whole story for people who don't know it, because I’m tired, but long story short I ended up making this little Burrito super hero out of a burrito package one day. Well, I was out getting fast food today (at taco bell, ironically enough) and I happened to come across this oddly shaped piece of ice. So I plucked it off, and I kid you not, it was a spitting image of burrito man. Close enough to actually freak me out. I had to take a picture of it. Now, I warn you, it's kind of hard to see as ice is a good 70% transparent, and I accidentally broke off his left leg when I laid him on the floor....but do you see the resemblance, or am I just crazy? Both is also an acceptable answer.
All he needs is a B drawn on his chest with a permanent marker :).
Well, that's enough for now. I'll post more, including a video I took today, later. If I remember.
P.S. If you want to see more of the pictures above, I took more than one of my dog and burrito man, so those and some others are in my server (