End of Time; Part Two

Jan 02, 2010 01:32

First of all, and we're going to get this out of the way RIGHT now. I have a rant and it's about Jack.

However, it's not the way you're thinking. It's in the fact that his scene gets two thumbs up from me.

I loved Jack's scene in the bar. Absolutely fucking loved it. It's spawned about four different plot bunnies, and the shorter ones are going up soon. [AKA, if anyone would like to beta something short-ish, please speak up!] But this was my canon for Jack. Completely my canon. That after he had his time on Earth doing stupid-ass things and then, once he could get to the stars, bar hopped. He cut a desolate figure in that bar, drinking. It looked clear, but I imagine it was hypervodka or some other clear liquor.

Did I facepalm that the Doctor gave Jack a date as his 'gift'? Of course I did. But I got to see Jack smile. I got to see Jack's grin, Jack flirting with someone. Honestly -- I love Ianto. I've been RPing Jack for about a year now. I have a firm Jack!muse. Please tell me if you think Ianto would want Jack to mourn and to be a recluse for the rest of his long life, or would Ianto want Jack to move on and be happy. If you honestly think Ianto would want that, that's fine. But that's not my Jack. And that's not how I see their relationship.

Did I want to see them fix CoE? Of course I did. However, people, that was Torchwood -- this is Doctor Who. It was a pipedream I had but I also didn't expect it to come to pass. (Again, plotbunny I have). But this is what I wanted to see. It gave me Jack happy, and a Jack that is on the way to recovery. I don't want Jack miserable for the next few million years.

Yes, the first time I started watching it, it hurt to see him flirt anew. But at the same time, I got his smile. And to know that Jack, as always, is going to be okay. Ianto has a place in his heart and one that he will never lose. Jack is our Jack -- and if he isn't flirting and being himself, who is he? Broken Jack breaks me. Jack who is healing makes me happier. I'd rather see him healing than hurting.

Thus endeth Lia's rant.

Now, for the rest of the episode. As much as I hate to say this... Oh Rusty, you made me happy. I know, I know... bite my tongue. But that was everything I hoped it was going to be. I had been spoiled for the very end and the Doctor going back to see all of his companions. Suppose I should do this in order, right? Right.

John Simm fucking owns my soul. SO hardcore. Same with Timothy Dalton. Everything with Wilf nearly broke my heart. (Okay, Jack fangirl LOVED that he was handed a Webley). I need to rewatch it as I saw it on a very crappy live stream. But I didn't care -- I got the live stream because I got home from the theatre late and didn't have to be jumpy all the way through the show.

The scene of Ten pointing the gun back and forth between the Master and Rassilon (which I TOTALLY called tyvm) was absolutely amazing. The writing was fantastic. Yeah, some of the stuff with the Time Lords did get a little bit hokey? It was still so amazingly done. I was on the edge of my seat for the whole episode. It tied up so many loose ends and just made me very happy to be a DW fan.

Ten going into the radiation chamber. I had two simultaneous thoughts:
1. Ten is turning into Owen. Riiiiight.
2. Jack: "yeah, but I look good!"

Him going to see everyone one last time? Was heartbreaking. I liked having the wrap up with why Mickey and Martha didn't come to Torchwood. Saving Luke was awesome -- though the expression on Sarah Jane's face? *SOB* The only two who really would know what was about to happen would be Jack and Sarah Jane. But the expression was just... ugh. Jack's scene I've already gone into. Other than to squee again about his smile. *happy sigh*

Rose, however... Rose killed me. Absolutely killed me. Her little smile. Him telling her she'd have a great year. Just... We left with such a high note.

The jury is still out on Matt. I'm giving him a chance, and I'll always watch DW. Part of the joy of the Doctor is that he regenerates. It's just... Ten was really my first Doctor. I'm of the age where there was no Doctor on when you usually get hooked on it. I started watching due to TW and needing to know Jack's story -- so most of my episodes were with Ten. It's who I fell in love with as the Doctor.

The best part of the episode? "The song may be ending, but the story goes on" and how Murray's music just swelled. The music was just exquisite. And while I MAY be a law student, I still obsess over my music dammit.

Still wearing my white chucks in mourning. ♥

And now, off to bed.

doctor who: episode reaction, doctor who, fandom, david tennant

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