Hurricane Who - Convention Report!

Nov 02, 2009 17:39

Hurricane Who was utterly fantastic and thanks for making my first con so utterly fantastic. I wish I could have done the entire weekend, but law school called and I really couldn't take more time than I did. But I'm glad I got done what I could!

As always, fantastic to see halfspell, flyingtonowhere, Shannon and Dexy. ♥

Also was able to meet up with some really amazing folks. The small con was nice, to be honest -- especially because it was easier to hang out and meet up with folks. Got to meet the loverly kerryblaze as well. ♥ And hung out with dvcorvis and veta_black at iHop Saturday night. Even if poor veta_black got sick.

Of course, have to mention getting to meet the amazingly fabulous scifichicx who was dressed as dead!Ianto for Saturday. I have to admit, one of my big highlights of the day was getting to do some 're-enactment shots'. They turned out SO awesomely. ♥ However, those I'll post up only if I have her permission to do so. ;^)

I'm still waiting on pictures from Dexy, so once I have them, I'll post 'em up. And my own personal pictures from the Con as well too. Hello flickr, it will be nice to meet you. :^D

I have to say, it was utterly fantastic to meet Gareth David-Lloyd. He's such a nice guy and is wonderful to just listen to as well. Between him doing his John impersonation to the "this is what Panto looks like" were hysterical. And always nice when the canon you have in your head matches up with the actor's.

I simply asked for a photo that didn't look like a school picture. Instead... I wind up with, what Shannon keeps calling 'the prom pic'. XD

It was, really, an amazing weekend and I'm so glad I took off. However, we are now back to the daily grind and back to the land of law school. By the way -- I finally broke down and got a twitter. And since I have my blackberry... well, I'm on it during class. SHUSH! DON"T JUDGE ME! In any case -- the twitter: inthesestones.

doctor who, meeting folks, fandom, gareth david-lloyd, i heart you guys, hurricane who, torchwood

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