Strangest Ass Day EVER.

Dec 21, 2008 00:24

Hello. Yes, I exist. ♥ thank you guys for the well wishes for law school. Now is the waiting game. So yeah, when the letters start coming in, you all will be the first to know. Keep the fingers crossed for me! *cuddles*

1. Found out today that Dr Feldman passed away a month ago. I had... no idea. And, frankly, am really pissed off at Cleland. I've been emailing him back and forth all through November about letters of recommendation. He could have fucking said something. But yeah, he passed away from ALS -- so I've lost two professors who meant the world to me in the space of 10 months. I'm just this side of a wreck.

2. Had a good friend of mine come out to me tonight. Which... was a very weird situation all around. I swear, I collect gay men like a bloody harem. Not that I'm complaining? But sheesh. And it's a really rough situation for him too and I feel isnanely, insanely bad for him. :(

3. I... might have a boy. I gave in and did one of those internet sites just to try as, well, where do I spend my time? The theatre. Who do I tend to meet there? Gay males. And while I love my harem... not exactly conducive to finding a boyfriend. So met a guy on one of the sites... and invited him to the show tonight. We hit it off really well (even with said harem in the wings and watching boy's every move. *g*) He's a year younger than me... but taller which teh girly side approves of most heartily. Best line of the night? avengangle? Ben will get a kick out of this.
Me: I'm a geek. I run LINUX.
Him: Cute AND runs Linux? I'm a lucky guy.

So... he asked me out on Tuesday. I'm... more than a little giddy. But giddy and also really fucking depressed. *sigh*

*squee!*, gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, lia has a date!, how many tags can lia put for one entry?, lia the psychologist, rip, real life

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