Home again... safe and sound. I will say? I will NEVER do a bus trip again like that. I think it nearly killed me. I got very little sleep on the bus to begin with and then having to walk around NYC for 16 hours? Let me rephrase -- the walking wasn't bad. What was bad was the needing to CARRY everything I bought around with me all day long.
Granted, it was a few purses from Chinatown and my cardstock posters I always get... but still.
In any case. We arrived in NYC around 7:30 am. Headed up to Pigalle on 49th and 8th for breakfast -- then hit Chinatown.
Yeah... not much Chinatown-esque -- but it's Canal street. Best place in the world to buy purses. Particularly when you go in the 'back' rooms. I got myself a nice coach purse as well as a GORGEOUS black leather Dolce & Gabana messenger bag for law school. And I do mean gorgeous.
A shot up one of the side streets. Always makes me think of The Godfather.
Then, it was off to see A Chorus Line. Nick got me a student rush seat and I had an amazing seat! Row D, right on the aisle on the right hand side. So when I was heading to NYC, I heard that another friend of mine (Eric Scoitto) was thought to be joining the cast once Cry Baby closed but he wasn't going to be starting until mid-july. Open the playbill and there's an insert saying he was joining the cast at our performance. So not only did I know one person on stage but TWO.
Got to see Eric briefly afterwards and he's doing wonderfully. Someone in the cast got injured and so they called him in early. Then... out comes Nick. I haven't seen him in a good three or four years and he looks wonderful. Of course... everyone is waiting for Mario Lopez to come out. I was lucky enough to get right on the rail, otherwise I knew I wouldn't get to see Nick. So after Nick and I talk, he goes back inside -- comes out a moment later with Mario. Insert pandemonium and screams here.
What happens? Nick takes Mario right to me.
Nick: (to Mario) I wanted you to meet a friend of mine from home.
Me: Yeah, I went to high school with Nick.
Mario: (grinning) I'm sorry.
Me: I know. I just had to put up with him.
And he signed my playbill (in pen, alas -- which is somewhat hard to see in the picture, but it's there!), took a picture with me and what have you. But -- I can say that I was introduced to Mario Lopez. Not too shabby.
The board for A Chorus Line. There's Nick waaaay up at the top. I had been so fixated on Nick that I didn't even SEE Eric's name until later!
Obligatory shot of the theatre.
There's Nick. He still looks the same -- just WAY more built. It's funny to see the girls going nuts over him too. *snerk*
Yes, he is as good looking in person as on TV. Though, I say Nick can dance circles around Mario, but that's just me.
There we are. The signed playbill. Like I said -- Mario's signature is hard to see but it's the thing in Pen on the lower right hand side. Nick's is up at the top.
This entry is long enough ... and I need enough time to talk about Sunday. Which... *points to layout (
thescarletwoman)* If Sunday can replace Ralph as my current layout -- you know exactly how much the show meant to me and what an impact it had.