Title: The Fall's Gonna Kill You
creascendoFandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: ~3900
Warnings: AU; underage (16/18) and implied underage
Summary: Prompt: AU, Time-Turner fic. Harry goes back in time to the Marauder's era. But there's a twist. DD wants to cover up a bad Potions accident; maybe Harry's literal "landing" in the 70's killed a student (or something else), and Harry has to take the place of the dead student. A student who happened to be Regulus Black.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter doesn't belong to me. I'm just playing with the characters. Title taken (lovingly) from The West Wing.
Author's Notes: I fudged a bit with timelines so for that I apologise. For purposes of this fic, Regulus is in his final year at Hogwarts and Snape is in his first year of teaching. Thanks, as always to
rose_whispers for the hand holding and the beta.
The Fall's Gonna Kill You )