Hip Hip Hooray!

Feb 12, 2008 12:04

I just gave my two weeks notice to the station. Oh thank god. By the end of February, I will be DONE with this place.

I came to the realisation last week that this has not been a healthy environment for me for quite some time. Between Ron and his asshatery and Melanie and her mind games -- I'm worse off here. The only reason I was staying around was so that I'd have a parking permit to do my LSAT course, but as I'm now doing it online, that point is moot.

My god -- telling him good bye was the most satisfying thing everywhere. And thankfully, he didn't throw anything at me either which I rather expected. He said he was impressed with how quickly I excelled and how fast I picked everything up. Which is funny because the past two weeks, all I've gotten from him is that I'm behind, I'm not where he thought I'd be in six months...

Funny, eh?

Back I go to editing this guy with an insanely thick accent. I'm not going to miss this.

wpse, work

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