Interview Done...

Aug 03, 2007 09:41

... and now the waiting game begins.

The interview, I think, went really well. The strange thing was doing it at dad's workplace because nearly everyone kept an ear to the interview to see how they thought I was doing. Dad works for a temporary help agency and has been with the company since I was six. Needless to say, his boss and just about everyone else in the office kept walking by every now and again just to listen in (without really listening in).

But the good news is that everyone thought I did really well. I was happy with the interview too. Only bad thing was I was so tightly wound by the time it was over I had a splitting migraine. (hence my lack of around-ness last night.)

The only bad thing about the job is that it's not guaranteed part-time to full-time. Due to Penn State's rules, when there's a vacancy it must be posted for anyone to take the job. So I could train for a few weeks or whenever the girl finally decides to leave and then NOT get the job in the long-run. Which is a bit blech-ish -- but worst case, I'd get some fabulous experience.

Funniest part of the interview? He asked how many words a minute I can type. Me: uh... between 80-100 with nearly 100% accuracy. Him: o.O

For that -- I thank my online time and all the typey-typey I do. XD

When I was all done with the interview, I realised the job is VERY much being a press secretary as in addition to the desk job stuff, you deal with companies who the radio station interviews, send around press releases with the upcoming schedules, etc. And there's some creative stuff too in helping edit interviews.

Lia -- a regular old CJ Craig. XD

job, migraines, real life

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