I want to have ONE final piece of fic up before Pötterdämmerung.
Okay -- side note? The Musician/Historian in me is friggin' DYING over this. And seeing Harry et all wearing the stereotypical Viking helmets with Ride of the Valkyries playing in the background. Er... don't ask.
In any case -- It's Snape!gen. And I'm about one part away from it being completely finished. But it's a fic I just want to write as I'm sure DH will either a, go into this or b, completely destroy the fic.
I'm really... not ready for DH to come out. I've been seeing everyone discuss what this means for fandom, and even I've had a poll about it. I'm not planning on going anywhere to be certain. But I know things won't be the same after Saturday.
Yes, there will be fic. And I know we writers are quite the resilient lot and we'll find ways around anything in canon. It's where we find subtext. It's how we all found ways to bring Sirius back from beyond the veil. I just have this feeling it's going to be different having closed-canon now.
I have this very sinking suspicion that I'm going to lose Remus to this book. Sirius' death hit me hard, but after RPing Remus for upwards of 4 or 5 years, it's going to be devastating. I won't lie. And I'm sure Snape is a dead man, though I really don't want him tossing himself between Voldemort and Harry and sacrificing himself. Come out as being good, yes, but no huge self-sacrificing thing.
To be perfectly honest? I don't want everything spelled out for me. It's the ambiguity that makes things so interesting. If Remus is going to die, have him go down in an explosion wherein you don't see a body. It lets the creative mind come up with ways he could have survived, etc.
But really? I'd almost love a fade to black, as horrible as that probably sounds. I wouldn't mind if the final battle comes. The hexes are fired... and it fades away. Because then, the true ending is up to YOU. Sort of like the final episode of The Sopranos, though not as shoddily done. The best example I can give is the end of Sideways. He goes up to her door, knocks and the movie ends. It's up to you to decide what happens. Does he go in? Does he turn around? Do they fight?
That's what I want to have in this book. That we choose what lives on. Good or Evil.
Don't tell me to the nth degree what happens to each and every character. I want the ability to decide who ends up with who and what happens in the long run.
Really -- I'm just not ready for this book.