I'm currently working on fic. ZOMG.
Just got my celebrate pr0n back from my beta and it should be up today or tomorrow. :D
And also? I'm working on fic for
hp_funnyfest All I have to say: Snape in spandex holding auditions for a new production of Cats. Totally killing myself with laughter.
In other news -- helping mom out with costumes tonight down at the theatre. The show? The Full Monty. *cough* sad that the guys wearing the g-strings aren't THAT attractive... Woe.
One other side note? I did a small flist cut -- which really isn't major, but more my deleting some journals that have been inactive for a couple of years. I mention this only because if you do still use your journal to read, just let me know and I'll put you back on. It's... really the first time I've ever deleted inactive journals. (and really only those who have been gone more than a year...)