[FIC] Under the Influence :: James/Lily (Hard R)

May 08, 2007 10:39

Title: Under the Influence
Author: thescarletwoman
Pairing: James/Lily (Sirius/Remus implied)
Rating: Hard R
Summary: It's the 70s. What else do you really need to know?
Author's Note: I blame dramaphile. Because she gave me the bunny. And I also blame froda_baggins. Because she told me to write it. This was started a while ago... I just found it and had to finish it. Even if it took me forever and a day to write it. Thanks oh so much to rose_whispers and her brilliant beta job. Any remaining errors belong to me.

"Guys, I've got it!"

James bounded into the Boys' Dormitory with a triumphant smile. The expression on Sirius's face was priceless. He looked as if Christmas had come early this year. Remus seemed... concerned. But not concerned enough to return to his books. Peter. Ah, Peter looked as confused as ever. James half wondered what Peter would be like completely and totally stoned.

Wouldn't be long before he found out, now would it?

"Have... what, exactly?" Peter asked rather suspiciously, peeking out from behind his bed curtains.

At approximately the same moment, Sirius bounded from his bed and pounced on James, practically knocking him over. "You do? Bloody hell, mate!"

James kicked at Sirius, using his hips to throw the other boy off himself. He glared at Sirius, following the movement by a one-fingered salute. "Get the hell off. You may be able to get away with that as Padfoot. As Sirius... you need to go on a bloody diet."

"So sue me."

Remus moved in between the sprawled forms of Sirius and James. "Mates, now really. Sirius, you'd be thinner if you stopped stealing my Honeydukes chocolate." Sirius's mouth dropped and he sputtered, trying to defend himself. "Shush. I know it was you. At least when James steals it, he re-seals the box, instead of leaving it half-opened. As if I wouldn't have noticed either thefts."

Sitting up, James threw a superior smirk at Sirius.

"Sod off," Sirius said, reaching for a pillow that at some point had fallen off a bed and chucked it at James. James caught it and threw it back, sticking his tongue out.

"Keep talking like that and see if you get any."

"Get any of what!?" Peter cried, hopping down from his bed and cautiously joining the fray.

James pulled his trophies from his pocket, holding them up triumphantly. "Pot. Weed. Marijuana. Call it what you will. I have it and you'll never guess where I found it."

"You found it in Dumbledore's office," Remus said, interrupting the jubilant James Potter. "Hidden, I'm guessing, under the lemon drops he uses to so carefully disguise it." Three jaws dropped as they turned to stare at Remus. The werewolf shrugged and slid onto James's bed. "What? I'm not the innocent you think I am, after all." Remus shot a look at James and Sirius. "I've lived with you two for six years. If you think I'm still naive you have another bloody thing coming."

Sirius pulled himself up from the floor and this time threw himself at Remus, knocking them both back and onto the bed. "You've been sneaking stuff from Dumbledore and you never shared? Moony, I'm surprised, shocked and most importantly hurt."

The rest of Sirius's statement was cut off and James really didn't want to know what sort of arguing was going on up there.

"Oi! You two! Not on my bed."

Two bodies sat up and after a quick inspection, James counted four visible hands and clothing not askew. He was happy. Last thing he wanted was them on his bed. They had their own for that. His should be getting action. Theoretically it would one day. That is, if Lily would ever get off her high horse and realise that James was the best man in the world and she should be so lucky as to consent to date him.

One of these days.

Peter, by this point, had come forward and away from the protection of his bed curtains. He still looked confused, the poor boy. James briefly wondered if giving him some pot would permanently damage him. Then again, why exclude the boy just because he was naive?

"So why's it all well..." Peter scratched the back of his head. "I didn't think it looked like that."

James held up the bag and the loose marijana. The papers were in his pocket and he was going to rely on his skills to be able to do it perfectly the first time out. "You have to roll 'em," James said, fishing a paper from his pocket and after opening the bag put a pinch on the paper.

Rolling, however, proved to be a bit more difficult than he thought. Every time he rolled it up or thought he did... the paper would spring apart. Or he'd get one side and not the other. Bloody hell.

"Oh for the love of... give me that," Remus muttered, swiping a new paper and the bag away from James. In a minute flat he had a perfectly rolled joint. "Is that what you were trying to do?"

"Go to hell," James replied. "If you're so smart, you roll the rest of them."

Rolling his eyes, Remus took the last of the papers and finished rolling the joints, winding up with six more. He passed them back to James as if to say, Satisfied?

Ignoring Remus, James kept the first joint Remus rolled out and replaced the rest in the bag, returning it to his trouser pocket. Keeping those safe was the most important thing.

"Padfoot, a light if you would."

Sirius nudged James with his foot. "How come you get to take the first?"

"Because I nicked it?"

"And your point?"

"Honestly," Remus said, throwing up his hands. "Would one of you light the bloody thing? Who cares who takes the first drag. We're going to pass it around. Everyone is going to have a turn. End of discussion."

Laughing, Sirius used the tip of his wand to light the joint. "That's my Moony. Always the logical one."

It seemed all three of his roommates leaned in, watching as James took the first hit. A look of pure euphoria passed over James's face as he passed the joint to Sirius. It went around the whole circle before ending up in James's possession once more. He took a second hit, rolling that lighted joint between his thumb and forefinger.

"Dumbledore... must say, the man has good stuff."

Remus shrugged, reaching for the joint. "What do you expect? Half the time Dumbledore looks stoned for the Start of Term Speeches. Only a man either completely off his rocker or completely stoned would come up with the words 'Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!'" Remus shrugged again, passing it to Sirius. "Judging by the quality of this stuff? I'd say stoned."

Peter, yes Peter, actually genuinely laughed at this. Not waited for someone to laugh first, but started the laughter on his own. The joint made the rounds, quickly getting to the point that it was getting harder to hold. It made it's way to Wormtail and James couldn't help but think they should all light up a bit more often. Peter seemed to get a personality and lose his inhibitions. Remus became more philosophical... if that was even possible.

Padfoot? Well, Padfoot was currently bouncing off the walls, staring at things and saying they were "shiny". Perhaps Padfoot should be kept far, far away from drugs. He was annoying when clean. Marijuana only served to magnify the problem one hundred fold.

"Moony? Remind me never to give Sirius a joint. Ever again."

Sirius jumped on the bed he was currently standing on (examining the gold roping that hung on the bed curtains) several times before landing ass over tin cups on the floor beside James. One lopsided smile and James found himself passing the tiny nub to Sirius.

"So much for never giving me a joint, eh Prongs?" Sirius said taking the last drag and extinguishing the glowing ember on the floor.

"Shut up. Do you want me to light the second one?"

"Yes," Peter said, interrupting whatever tirade Sirius was going to go on.

Peter wanted another hit? Who was James to refuse?


The next day, James wasn't quite so jubilant when he entered the dormitory. One of these prats had stolen not one but two joints from his pocket. Alright, so maybe it had been a little more than stupid to walk around Hogwarts with five joints in his trousers. But was he really to trust leaving it back in the dorms? The dorms where even chocolate wasn't safe from Sirius Black?

James entered, strode right to Sirius's bed and hexed him. The first thing to come to mind was Rictusempra and while not a terrible charm to cast, it was better than nothing.

Sirius jumped, the spell taking him completely by surprise, and collapsed into a fit of giggles until James took mercy on him and Finited the spell. James wasn't the only one sporting a murderous look.

"What the bleeding hell did you do that for?"

James fished into his pocket and held up the bag. "This morning... there were four joints in here. Now there are two. Care to explain to me the sudden decrease?"

Sirius shrugged. "How the fuck should I know? You most likely smoked two of them, were completely off your rocker and have since forgotten about smoking them. Don't look at me like I've broken into your precious stash. Dumbledore's calling me to his office tomorrow. I plan on nicking a few of my own. Appreciate the gesture, but I don't want to be in your debt for hitting you up for a couple."

Well hell. This wasn't what James wanted to hear.

"And are you going to apologise?"

James raised a brow. "For what?"

"Waking me up, you prat."

Shrugging, James turned and walked out the door. "We have class in ten minutes. You're welcome."


It was time for evening rounds and James still hadn't figured out who had nicked part of his stash. Peter was ruled out immediately. As much as he liked the mousy boy, he knew he wouldn't go through his socks to find it. Sirius was... well, sort of out. Not that he really trusted Sirius to tell the truth, but short of pawing through Sirius's shorts, he wasn't going to find it.

James may have been desperate, but he wasn't that desperate.

Then there was Remus. James rubbed his chin thoughtfully. It could be him, but it was fairly unlikely. Remus was far too straight-laced to smoke up. Then again... James remembered Remus's reaction to the pot when he had it yesterday. Maybe...

Nah. Remus could probably walk up to Dumbledore, ask for a joint and get it. So why steal when he could so easily ask for it? That excluded Remus.

And also ruled out... every logical possibility.

"Are you coming or are you going to stand there with your gob hanging open all night?"

James flushed slightly, leaping down the last three steps and sliding gracefully into the common room in front of Lily. She rolled his eyes at his show of bravado, turned on her heel and stomped out of the common room, leaving James to trail behind. He muttered a few choice words under his breath and followed her. If they had to do rounds, couldn't she at least be civil?

It'd make that whole fancying business all that much easier.

But no, she had to act like a total bitch. Stomping on his poor heart every chance she got.

"Are you coming?" Lily asked again, already half-way down the corridor. "I'm tired and I'd rather be back in bed, not waiting on your sorry arse."

God, she was beautiful when she was annoyed.

James trotted down the hall, slipping his arm through hers before she could protest. Her green eyes narrowed in annoyance as James pulled her in by the elbow.

"You act as though you don't want to go on rounds with me."

"You think?" Lily shot back.

James pouted, sticking that lower lip out and knowing he looked absolutely adorable when he pouted. He could almost rival Sirius for the sad puppy-dog look. Lily, though, wasn't so easily swayed.

"Careful, you might trip over that lip," Lily chided with a superior roll of her eyes.

"Come on, Lily, when're you going to finally say yes and go to Hogsmeade with me?" James said, nudging her with his hip.

"Not sure," Lily said thoughtfully, giving James a momentary glimmer of hope. "When pigs fly seems a bit too clichéd."

And that's when James got it. Short of finding a pig and transfiguring wings to it, James had the perfect idea. Maybe, just maybe, he could get her to 'hallucinate' one. He patted the joints in his pocket, grabbing Lily's hand and pulling her into a nearby classroom. He ignored her protests, pushed her inside and closed the door behind himself.

"You are off your rocker, do you know that, James Potter?" Lily said, lip curling and hands perched on her hips. "You let me out of here this insta--"

Lily cut off abruptly as James pulled the bag of joints from his pocket. Her mouth hung open slightly, eyes widening.

"What..." she began, only to be interrupted by James.

"This, my dear, is marijuana."

Lily rolled her eyes. "I can see that, James. I'm not a complete idiot contrary to your popular belief."

Putting the joint between his lips, he lit it with the tip of his wand and took a deep breath in, holding the smoke in his lungs before releasing it. With a waggle of his eyebrows, James passed it to Lily. He expected her to throw it back at him, put it out, or make some other snide remark.

Which was why he was totally floored when she mimicked him, blowing the smoke back in his face. James stood, gobsmacked, as Lily hoisted herself up on one of the tables. Then she crossed her legs and all the blood in his body pooled in his groin. She turned, letting the skirt ride up a little higher to reveal that pale expanse of thigh.

"...Lily...?" James asked, his throat dry. His eyes darted back and forth between the revealed creamy thigh and her sparkling green eyes. James realised he could wax poetic on all of Lily's features, but most likely it would only be the drug talking.

"James, for the love of Merlin," she twirled the rolled paper in her fingers, taking another drag before holding it out for James. "Are you going to stand there staring all night?"

Well, when she put it that way...

James crossed the extra steps, stopping right in front of Lily. She spread her legs, creating a space for James to stand. He took the marijuana and took another drag, setting it down on the table. And hoping he wouldn't burn the castle down. If he did... well, it'd be worth it.

"I thought you said 'when pigs fly'," James said, running his hands along her thighs. Under her skirt.

"Mmm... Let's say I had a change of heart," Lily said, her fingers skimming over the buttons of James's shirt. "Are you going to talk, try and argue with me, or are you going to shut up and kiss me."

"Of all the choices?" James asked leaning forward, "I'll take the final."

She surged forward as he swooped down, their lips crashing together in the first kiss. James groaned, his tongue running along her lower lip in an attempt to seek entrance. Lily didn't play the coy woman, instead parting her lips and welcoming James home. His groan met her soft one as their tongues duelled, his hands roaming over her thighs under her skirt. Her hands trailed over his back, pulling his oxford shirt from the waistband of his trousers.

Up and across his back her hands roamed, thrusting into his hair and making it even messier than it usually was. James didn't give a damn. Lily was kissing him.

He pulled back, the rest of the blood in his body shooting to his lower regions upon seeing her kiss-bruised lips. James ran the pad of his thumb across her lip, his breath coming out in a soft pant as Lily's tongue swirled around the digit. She pulled it into her mouth, sucking gently.

With Lily totally into this (and who wouldn't be? his bravado asked), James removed his hand and moved to his knees on the floor before her. He hooked his hands under her knees, sliding her across the table to rest right on the edge. Eyes alight, James pushed her skirt back to reveal a thin strip of red - Merlin he was looking at her knickers. He ran his finger along the material, lifting an eyebrow as he glanced up at Lily.

"Red satin? One would think you were expecting this tonight."

Lily's hands ran through his hair. "Are you going to complain?"

James leaned forward, swiping his tongue across her covered cunt. "What do you think?"

Her groan was more than enough of an answer. Lily's panties were already wet, and finding her clit was a fair bit harder than he would have expected. And here he wanted to play the exquisite 'Don Juan'-esque lover. Well, there went that plan. He searched, for lack of a better word until Lily made a noise that sounded quite like a strangled groan. James took that to mean success and rubbed his tongue and the satin against that spot. Lily practically writhed against the table and James knew he had hit the mark for certain. His fingers moved the elastic aside to slip inside her wet cunt. Lily's breath was coming out in soft moans and groans now, driving James on.

Lifting himself to his feet, James pressed a kiss to Lily's lips while he pulled off her panties. They were tossed aside, his hand palming her mound and rubbing while his tongue thrust into her mouth. Lily's hips rocked against James's hand as he worked her closer and closer to an orgasm. Fingers alternated between rubbing her clit and thrusting into her cunt. Lily's fingers raked through James's hair. If it was a little bit of pot that got Lily to loosen up this much... well... maybe he should knick some more often. James was positively giddy, though that could have been because he was doing unspeakable things to Lily and not due to the pot. Maybe.

Lily whimpered her release into James's mouth, clinging to him as she rode out the wave of her orgasm. She finally collapsed back against the table, the lower half of her body completely bare to James's roving eye. And look his fill he did.

Finally, Lily opened her eyes and gazed hazily up at James. She smiled, pulling him down for a slow and lazy kiss, her hands skirting across the bit of stubble on his cheeks.

"We... should finish our rounds," Lily murmured, running her fingers through James's hair.

"We should," James agreed quietly, though his cock wanted nothing more than for him to bury himself inside Lily.

As if she knew what James was thinking, Lily shifted into a sitting position, palming his cock through his trousers. She gave him a slow smile, pulling him down for yet another kiss. Not that James was going to complain. Even if Lily was stoned, she let him go down on her. His erection could be taken care of in the shower in an hour or so.

"Sooner we finish, sooner we can..." She trailed off, and James nearly came seeing that gleam in her eyes. He nodded vehemently, retrieving her discarded panties and handing them over.

"We're almost done," James said, waving his hand dismissevly.

Though, how James was going to finish his rounds without shoving her against a wall at the first opportunity was completely beyond him. She hadn't slipped her knickers back on. Oh no. That would be too easy. No, Miss Evans smoothed her skirt down over her hips and coyly tossed the red fabric at James. Bloody hell. If they didn't go up to the tower now he'd be pulling Lily into the next nearest classroom. Walking anywhere, especially to finish rounds would be painful. Excruciating.

"You know the Slytherins never do their rounds. One hour," Lily shrugged impishly, hopping to her feet. James followed like a love-sick puppy.

If she kept sashaying her hips like that... he'd wait the hour. She just couldn't blame him for the consequences.

"I quite agree, Miss Evans," James replied, lying through his teeth. straightening his robes and picking up the long since discarded joint. It was only burning slightly and was extinguished after being rubbed into the table. By the time it had been returned to his trouser pocket, Lily was presentable once more. James didn't give a damn if her reaction was due to the marijuana. All he knew was that he wouldn't be turning this down. Not on his life.

When they left the classroom, it was Lily who slipped her hand into James's. He couldn't help but smirk, turning and pressing a kiss against her temple.

"See? I really can be quite a charming bloke. The joint notwithstanding," He added quickly with a wink.

"Oh, I know you can," Lily said shrugging.

It was James who stopped walking, his mouth hanging open as he stared after her.

She turned and gave him a smirk of her own. "You keep doing that, flies will take up residence in there," she chided, arms crossing in front of her chest.

"What do you mean, you know I can be charming?"

Lily closed the distance between herself and James, rising up onto her tiptoes and placing a quick kiss to his lips. "Honestly, James. You men can be so thick. Women pretend to hate the men they fancy, wondering how far they can push them and if they'll chase us. You chased. I was right."

James's mouth dropped open a bit farther, staring incredulously at Lily. The girl was bloody knockers.

"Besides, I figured if you fancied me," Lily reasoned, "I'd be safe to knick some of your stash for Sirius. You'd kill him but I highly doubt you'd do anything so drastic to me."

His mouth closed after a time. The worst part was, she was right. Sighing, James put a hand on the small of Lily's back and led her back towards Gryffindor Tower. He wouldn't do anything to Lily, aside from shag her rotten.

Sirius, however, was still a dead man.

james/lily, fic, rated: r

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