*peeks out*

May 02, 2007 16:14

So... I realised I haven't updated this thing in a while. Whoops. I've just... not been around. Job is back to being quasi-stressful as the school year winds down. Early morning at McKinley once more and all that fun stuff. Plus it's been storming really bad here and I hate being online when it's storming. Bah.

Is it summer yet?

But life is good. hp_summersmut is shaping up to be made of awesome this year. In other fun and fandomish news, I am one of the new editors over at rpg_prophet. May as well put that RPG watching I do to good use, eh?

I also have fic. I'm finally going through it -- but it's something that was started about 6 months ago when chatting with dramaphile about slang words for pot... and somewhere finding Dumbledore as being slang for marijuana. Now I can't find the site for the LIFE of me. Go figure. But it was there at the time. So fic forthcoming. REALLY. (as well as that horcock fic r_grayjoy got in my head a few months back *mutters*)

Things are good. I'll be glad when May is over and I no longer have to deal with the children. I'm SO ready to be done teaching for a while.

How are you all, my darling flist? ♥

Also... need icons of Ralph in the trailer. My GOD that man should not look so gorgeous without a nose. *sigh*

rl, state of the lia

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