Jan 21, 2007 23:38

And, at last, Stand By Your Man has closed today. I'm falling into bed now, as I've been hit with a nasty cold. It's either from someone in the cast or, more likely, one of the little children I'm teaching.

That's the ONE bad thing about working with kids. The little buggers seem to ALWAYS be sick.

In any case -- some changes here on the home front. I've officially quit Starbucks. Officially. Done. Kaput. Tuesday is my last day and I can't say I'm sorry. Yeah, I'll miss it there because it IS fun to make drinks. However, when I make $25 a week (as I can only work Tuesdays) and that $25 goes to my chiropractor -- it isn't worth it.

So only the symphony and my private students. I'm suddenly a LOT less stressed. However -- the mental issues are still there. And aren't going away yet. *sigh*

On the bright side -- I'm trying to immerse myself back into fandom. I haven't had the chance to read my flist in a while and I apologise. Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. But -- I need to get back into writing as my muse has ignored all temptings of Cheez-its.

So -- my darling flist. I require your help. Prompts and pairings. Dangle something fun in front of my muse and wake him back up. Harry Potter fandom, and really any pairing. (Though, I may not write Filch/Squid/Dumbledore foodsmut....) Tempt my muse, people!

*crawls into bed*

rl, sbym, starbucks, fic, prompts

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