As we don't get HBO at the house, I had to wait until season 5 came out on DVD in order to finally see it.
I think my parents and I watched the enTIRE season in the course of two or three days. I'm really sad to see it end, but the show has the most AMAZING finale. Completely tied everything up and... quite possibly one of the saddest finales I've ever seen.
The thing I loved about this series was all the symbolism. We're going to re-watch the finale with the commentary before it goes back to the video store as I want to see if Alan Ball comments on it at all.
Dave finally facing his fears of the man in the red hoodie -- and it turning out to be himself was amazing. Then Nate just sitting serenely on the edge of the bed, then gone in the next shot. SO awesome. And finally, Claire driving away at the end was one of the most beautiful things. Her driving, and all these foreshadowings of how everyone's lives turn out. David & Kieth finally able to get married, and their two sons there... Durell going into the 'family business' just rocked. That David & Kieth were able to save those two boys... and how all the main characters finally died... ending with Claire at 102.
I don't know when I've cried so much during a season (between this episode and the couple surrounding Nate's death).
SO sad to see it end. The acting in the series was always amazing and I'm really, really going to miss it.