And -- at LONG last, all the pics from my NYC trip.
Also, and as a side note... my internet is being teh suck right now. It was giving me MASSIVE problems last night, and now it's disconnecting me from the wireless, even though the ethernet cable is connected and keeps disconnecting me from Trillian. YEY. So if I disappear on and off all day; that's why. Bugger.
No pics from the flight in as BOTH times I was on the wrong side to see Manhattan. Alas. But when taking the shuttle from La Guardia to midtown, we passed outside of Grand Central. And I liked the relief. :D
What I LOVE about NYC -- all the tiny parks dotted throughout the city. And found out later that this is where Olympus Fashion Week is (for all you ProjectRunway fans). Much, much squeeing.
Just a shot down 5th Avenue. The place where you can buy pants for $10,000...
A shot of Rockefeller Center. Last time I saw this place (from this angle anyway), it was Thanksgiving and it was all decorated (five or so years ago!!)
And of course, the skating at Rock. It looks a lot bigger on TV...
I LOVE Cathedrals. All there is to say about it. Alas, couldn't walk around because there was a mass... given by the Cardinal actually. Uber cool.
Made parents walk by Radio City Music Hall JUST so I could get a shot at night. :D
Another shot of the Cathedral, the second day. At least this time I could walk around a bit and see the nave.
Proof that you will see ANYTHING in NYC. This was the world's longest kickline (which my parents and I DID join) and those are the chorus girls from the producers in the gold costumes. Cool thing is this was done to benefit DVT (which my grandmother died from). So my family and I will now be in the Guinness Book of World Records. *G*
Can't go to NYC without taking a shot of my FAAAVE place to get tickets. :D
Just a couple shots of Times Square at night.
Okay. THIS was the highlight of the trip. Meeting Michael Cerveris. He was UBER cool and REALLY nice and he's SHORT! I thought he'd be so much taller.
Okay. BAD picture of me. However, it's with Michael. THUS it's cool. And when I asked him to take a picture, he put his arm around me and pulled me against him (with one of those silly NYC metal barriers digging into my side, but OH well).
And that's all for the decent piccies.
It just might be a picture day. I have Sims2 updates to do... Sad when I can't play at school but can play while in NYC. *SIGH*