Numbered lists

Nov 06, 2005 12:43

I feel like using a numbered list today... so I shall.

1. Muses? Nope. But I do have bunnies for both harry_holidays and smutty_claus so I suppose that's an improvement, right?

2. Talk back last night kicked some MAJOR ass. I couldn't get to the theatre in time so I just sat in the pit... with Vicky (the director of the show), Pamela Myers -- who was the original Marta in the '70 production of Company and the guy running the talk back. It SO rocked being about 2 feet away from her. AND she signed my script (not my score since that goes back to MTI after the run, but my script since I bought one in NYC for doing thesis work) afterwards. *MAJORgeekmoment*

3. Happy belated birthday to xylodemon. *smoooooch* hope you had a wonderful day, darling. ♥

d. Do NOT want to do the Mu Phi recital tonight. Am going to need House tonight to cheer me up as I KNOW I'm going to be in a rotten-ass mood. For said recital I have to completely BUY everything for the reception out of my own pocket because the purple lady alums were like "no, we can't because we have founder's day next week. You're on your own." *growls* These are the ladies who SWORE they'd help us out WHENVER. *GROWL* Not a happy Lia. Here goes about 50 bucks I was hoping to spend on something NICE for myself this month. Like... oh, maybe buying the first season of House in a couple weeks. So much for that.

Q. Off to the ending of Hell Week today. Last show of Company for the week then we get 3 days off. Huzzah.

rl, mu phi, birthday!, company

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