Audition Results

Aug 24, 2005 18:57

Well, thanks to everyone who gave me good luck vibes today. I wish I could say they helped...

Alas, I have another shitty chair position. In fact it's the same fucking chair position I had last year. 8th chair; first violin out of nine. So guess who gets to learn the first violin parts of Shostakovitch 5th and Beethoven Fidelo Overture in less than a month?

YAY! That would be me. *cough* excuse the sarcasm.

I'm just really pissed off right now and in one of those, "I hate this school" modes. This is when I just thank my lucky stars I'm graduating this year and I'm going to be done and out of here by May 7th. (is it too early to start a countdown?) And if you're wondering why I haven't transferred... I LOVE the musicology faculty here. That is the only reason I've stayed.

So... by orchestra standings... it'll be a long year.

At least I have Company to look forward to. Thank god Dr Hartzell is running that. I get to play concertmaster for that. *pause* someone around here has their head screwed on.

And as for me... well, I'm skating this year. I'm doing the bare-minimum for everything and concentrating on my musicology degree. Apparently doing all the practicing I could over the summer did nothing (or else it was politics... which-ever you prefer...) so why bother? Thus... expect to see me around a lot more... even moreso than I was now.

audition, real life

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