Jan 19, 2003 18:01
Marduk is really good. well, if you're into black metal they're kings. yeah kid.
Tommorow is Dirty 30s practice. we havent practiced for over a month with the whoel band. this should be fun...
we have a show on Thursday the 23rd in lowell, that will also be fun. playing to a bunch of high school street punk kids isnt my idea of fun. id rather play to screamo kids, at least then i would hate them for different reasons than i hate street punks.
I bet we'll get into a fight. it'll be hott.
i dont understand people who dont like metal. it dominates all forms of music. there isnt alot of music i listen to that doesnt have some form of metal influence. people are afraid of metal. real metal. not screamo or emo-grind, or yah-dude mtv metal. metal. people need to get that right. jeeez.
now that i've ranted i'll go back to enjoying my Marduk if you don't mind.