(no subject)

Oct 08, 2004 10:39

So today I was sick and watched Buffy. It was some episode where she can read minds, and all the guys she walked passed in school were thinking, "OMG BUFFYS SO HOT!" And she goes, "WOAH!" And so bumps into someone, and of course it has to be a guy and he goes in his head, "OMG OMG OMG OMG BUFFY TOUCHED ME!" And she ran away.

But that got me thinking how cool it owuld be to read minds. Of course, then EVERYONE would know what you really though of them so we'd all have no friends and then the world would blow up because bush would discover what all the people in the middle east REALLY thought about him. So he'd send a weapon of mass destruction at them and accidently send an atomic bumb and blow up half the middle east. And then the iraquis would fire back theirhidden weapsons of mass destruction at us and then we'd all die.

I think I should stay home more often.
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