
Apr 05, 2014 18:34

Just two random-ish Lulu pics.

Bee and Lulu lived together for a couple years, and are the closest among the siblings.

This one's from today. I like Lulu in this outfit, but I'm still not sure how I'll dress her once she has her own body!

The blue dot background was one of the backdrops I bought from eBay. I don't like it as much in person as I did in the picture, but it'll do for an abstract-y background for now. I'll probably get another before too long, though. :/ Maybe I should get something with a more neutral color.

Anyway, this week at work was really draining on me. I felt pretty disconnected from everything, and was not really in the best of moods. It culminated with an awful headache all day Friday, though I've been ok today. I sure wish the weekends were longer, though! I did get out a bit today, I went and got coffee at Starbucks, then had to go drop off my rent. Yeesh, money is a leeeeetle tight right now, what with buying Lulu and all! Too bad I'm out of things to sell! >_<; Still pretty disillusioned with living down here though, when my job barely covers my bills and not a whole lot extra. I think that adds to my crappy moods when I get them, too. I might have an opportunity to move though, if/when new positions open up in other parts of the state for the same job I'm doing now. I'd get first pick at re-locating, and I might just do it, since I'd be likely to find a cheaper place to live in pretty much any other part of Florida except maybe Key West. :U I don't know when or even if this will happen any time soon though, and if I'm really lucky (ha) I might be able to find something else that pays better. Or, you know, hit the Powerball. If I ever buy a ticket. Yeah. >_>;

Uhhhhhh, back to dolls before I go! I need to write up some stories, don't I? Or at least little snippets, since I'm not that good at whole stories. I need to nail down some details on Lulu, though! She's a bit of an enigma at the moment. XD

sabina, doll photos, lulu, incoherent babble

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