(no subject)

Feb 06, 2013 20:57

Well, I might as well post here, even though LJ readership is way down, I still like to have my dollie pictures archived here.

I am still, of course, selling loads of things, but I won't post links in this post. Pretty much my previous 10 posts or so involve my sales, if you want to check it out.

I'll just put all my pictures under a cut. There are nine of them.

Emma? A girl?!

Those sure look like girly things...

That is definitely a nekkid girl! O:

Yeah that's right, I caved and bought an Emma. :B

Storytime - I've liked Emma for a while. Granted, usually as boys. One of my favorites was always stardustasylum's John Barleycorn. Also, anyone who knows me and my dollie collecting habits, knows that I just don't like most girl dolls. I'm not a fan of vapid looking dolls, or super huge eyes with teeny nose & mouth combos and the child-like chubby cheeks that the most popular girl sculpts have. (Think Kurumi, 4 sisters, Luna, etc.) Just not my thing! I guess I mostly like girl dolls who make good boys, like, umm, Cristal. XD;

I dunno though, recently I just started thinking that it would be fun to have a girl doll and dress her up in fun clothes that I couldn't get away with keeping on Nomiki for an extended period of time. And so I started looking around in the marketplace, just to look.

It really escalated though, when I saw a really good deal on an old limited (mostly) fullset SD13 girl. It was actually a Jun Tachibana. Now I'm not a huge Jun fan, but I've seen repaints I liked, and while this one had a faceup from an artist I do not like, I thought it was still a great price, and I could just get her repainted. However, by the time I finally decided to contact the seller, she'd already been put on hold. Oh well, it was more of a curiosity than anything else at this point.

Well, I started looking at the marketplace a lot more after that. I looked at every newly updated thread every day, and also did a few forays into the older threads that had no activity for months on a semi-regular basis. I bookmarked a couple possibles, and it ended up that I started actively looking at Emmas, since I liked her more than most of the other sculpts, and she was shockingly cheap.

I should back up a sec and mention that I was actually considering just outright buying an Elena straight from VolksUSA, though I knew I'd have to wait for my tax refund to do it all in one go. I was also looking for her in the marketplace, but I think there were only ever one or two listed while I was watching. And while Elena is alright, again, she's not ideally the sculpt I would've liked, just the best in my budget, I thought.

Anyways, while I was watching the marketplace like a hawk, a fullset Emma showed up one day. I had been watching another Emma, that had a custom faceup and high heel feet, but I couldn't tell what body she was on in the pictures, and she came with SD H-02 hands. Dammit, if I was gonna get an SD13 girl, I wanted SD13 girl hands, so I held off on that one. But then the fullset showed up, and she was only a little more expensive than the other, and well, I dithered for about two days before I contacted the seller asking if I could take her up on her layaway option, if she'd let me wait one week to pay the first payment.

Luckily, she agreed, and also luckily, my tax return money came in last Friday, so I was able to pay her off a lot faster than I thought I would. The seller shipped the same day I paid her off, as she'd already had her boxed and ready to go. Lucky! She shipped UPS which is a little slower than Priority, but is cheaper, so that's fine. XD;

So coming to the end of my storytime, I got my new dollie in the mail yesterday, and immediately put her in one of the outfits I started to slowly hoard once I'd made up my mind to buy a girl. I'm still waiting on a couple things from a Sadol order I placed in January (including some underwear! Nomi will not share his. XD) and I just bought another dress off of Etsy.

I'd originally planned on getting her repainted, but all of the artists I was looking at for her are closed and don't say when they'll open again, and I found out that I actually like her default, and it suits the character I'd decided on for her pretty well. I might gloss her lips one of these days, and maaaaaaaybe I'll get her repainted, but the default is very nice as is for now.

All that aside, here is my new dollie, Sugar. Yes, Sugar.

I...want some of her shoes in my size. D:

Cute profile!

She looks pretty sweet so far, huh?

Sugar's got some stories to tell, though. She'll surprise you.

Also, if you couldn't guess by her silly name, she's Precious's older sister. X3

I am looking forward to taking more pictures of her! Also, I have some fun stories & photostories planned for her as well. If the weather cooperates this weekend, I might take her and her brother out for a photoshoot at my office, where there is a cool little garden area with crumbling stone walls and trailing vines and it's very scenic. We'll see! O:

Alright, that's all. I would be surprised if anyone reads this! Why is LJ so dead these days? :C

precious, doll photos, sugar, arrivals

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