
Nov 30, 2012 22:44

So this week has been a huge blur. First of all, I haven't been feeling 100% anyways, and work is draining as always. Add to that the Orlando inspectors were here this week for our monthly collaborative training, and all the extra preparation I had to do for that. Plus, while working with them, I make sure to get up extra early because I know they're always early and I didn't want to leave them waiting, so I got to work early too. (They still got there before me, but I think their hotel was really close to the kennel, and I live about 30 minutes away.) So that means I was leaving my house at around 345am so I'd have time to get to Starbucks and get my coffee, and then drive all the way up to meet them, and then go work with them, which took extra effort, because I set up training exercises for us in my FedEx facilites.

ANYWAYS, cut to today, and I barely even register that it's Friday. My group order closing, I'm going to a doll meet tomorrow, and hmmm, maybe I should look into what time I need to leave for that and maybe get a doll ready to go and whatever else I'm just not prepared for this weekend. I don't know, I just feel like I'm kind of sleepwalking through everything lately. Kinda there, kinda not. Physically, not exactly mentally. Or something.

But besides my deteriorating brain, today I want to talk briefly about ducks. And a few other birds.

You see, there's a little lake behind my apartment, and there are always various water birds back there. Today, there happened to be a gathering of these little black birds right behind me, and I was out on the patio to look at them. They were so weird! They looked like little pudgy black ducks, with weird feet. Turns out they're birds called the American Coot. Whatever, I'll call them ducks. XD

I was watching them when I decided to get my camera out and try for a few photos. While I was trying to get pics, some big ugly ducks showed up, too! Now these big ugly ducks (I've never looked up what exactly they're called) were looking at me meaningfully as I was hanging out my (unscreened) kitchen window for pictures, so I decided to grab a handful of cereal and toss it down to them.

I swear, between the time that I went to get the cereal and the time I was getting ready to throw it outside, half the local waterfowl population showed up, along with a small flock of Ibises.

So I tossed some cereal. An Ibis started to fly up to my window, looking for the source. I might have squealed a little while trying to get the window shut. Luckily, he realized there was a person, and turned around and went back to the ground. ^^;

Silly birds! My pictures turned out a little fuzzy, as the light was fading and they were moving around, but I have two to share.

This is one of the Coots! Lookit those weird feet! O:

Hungry, hungry hippos birdies!

Alright, I should go. I'm gonna make some tea, since it seems I have an oddly sore throat all of a sudden. :'(

photos, nature, incoherent babble

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